Kohlrabi, properties and benefits

The kohlrabi is oval in shape and the size of a large apple . It is excellent raw; it is sufficient to peel it and cut it into slices to obtain a crunchy side dish that can be easily combined with many main courses. The taste is delicate and somewhat reminiscent of cauliflower . You can also eat cooked, usually added to soups.

There are two varieties of kohlrabi: light green and purple kohlrabi . The nutritional qualities are more or less the same with the difference that purple, like all vegetables of this color, contains a good amount of anthocyanins, substances known for their antioxidant qualities. In any case, both types of kohlrabi contain carotenoids and histocyanates, other known antioxidants.

The kohlrabi is rich in glucosinolates, it contains four times more than the more well-known cauliflower. Glucosinolates are substances that are attributed to anticancer qualities.

The kohlrabi is very well tolerated, does not contain known allergens and can therefore be consumed often.

The five main benefits of kohlrabi

> It is rich in vitamin C. To benefit from this quality, however, it is necessary to eat it raw, because vitamin C with heat is dispersed. 100 g of kohlrabi provide up to 62 mg of vitamin C.

> Promotes digestion . The kohlrabi is very rich in fiber, which is essential for effective digestion. Dietary fibers help keep the gastrointestinal system healthy, guarantee adequate and regular bowel movements and help fight constipation and abdominal bloating .

> It is an excellent ally for those who want to lose weight . Against a minimum caloric intake, the kohlrabi has a considerable satiating power . It is an excellent hunger break and, the simplicity of preparation and consumption, makes it a perfect snack to keep in the fridge to munch on something healthy and low in calories when you feel the need for a snack.

> The kohlrabi is an excellent source of potassium . Potassium is one of the most important substances for a good functioning of the organism. It is fundamental for the health of the muscles including the main, the cardiac, and for the energy balance. Potassium acts as a vasodilator and helps to maintain blood pressure levels normally, protecting the body from hypertension peaks ; it also promotes good blood circulation and, consequently, better organ protection.

> It is, in general, rich in nutrients . In addition to potassium and vitamin C, kohlrabi contains a fair amount of phosphorus, folate, thiamine, calcium and iron.

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