Pumpkin seeds, the ideal snack

Pumpkin seeds are a health-hungry break-up : whether you're at work, at school, on vacation and, among fruit, crackers, coffee, tea or fruit juices you no longer know what to bring with you to break the morning or afternoon snack?

A natural substitute are the do-it-yourself natural bars, but also some nice little bags with a mix of oil seeds.

Among these, in particular, you cannot miss the pumpkin seeds, tasty and crunchy, one leads to another, above all if already beautiful that peeled!

But did you know that pumpkin seeds are also good for your health ? Here because.

Pumpkin seeds, all the benefits

> Nutrients, with unique active ingredients - such as phytosterols, vitamins, such as K, and Omega 3 - the beneficial action on bladder muscle tone is known, preventing disorders related to the prostate .

Pumpkin seed intake is also highly recommended for those suffering from cystitis and, in general, for women's inflammation.

> Rich in minerals, such as magnesium, manganese, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, natural supplements are essential, perfect for sportsmen and women, especially during the change of season .

> Disinfectants, containing cucurbitin a, a precious amino acid, are foods that keep worms and parasites away from the body, facilitating intestinal expulsion.

> Excellent for the cardiovascular system, containing unsaturated fatty acids that keep cholesterol at bay, such as linolenic acid, and Omega 3 and phytosterols

> Rich in vitamins - vitamin C, group B, vitamin E and vitamin K - they are excellent allies for sportsmen and for a tired body, which needs to be reinvigorated, starting from the hair too!

> They also contain L-tryptophan, an amino acid that helps fight insomnia and, in general, tone the mood, removing depression

Prepare the pumpkin seeds

You can dry pumpkin seeds yourself, instead of buying them in stores or supermarkets.

When cleaning the pumpkin do not throw away the seeds, but collect them, clean them and wash them well, place them on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, add salt (optional step) and toast them in the oven at 180 ° C for about 15 minutes.

Just a teaspoon a day of pumpkin seeds to enjoy these fantastic properties, without the fear of gaining weight!

A curiosity : surprisingly, by boiling the pumpkin seeds with a little water for a few minutes, a decoction is obtained that helps fight insomnia and prevents and soothes irritation to the urinary tract .

Read also

> Pumpkin seeds, allies against hair loss?

> Pumpkin seed flour, characteristics and properties

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