Walking meditation, step by step

" Meditation walk, step by step. Walking in being, being in walking "is a delightful manual to approach the practice of walking meditation.

Published by Edizioni Punto di Incontro, it represents the fruit of the experience of Volker Winkler : a passionate writer and meditator, he devotes himself to teaching various meditation techniques, mostly of Buddhist origin .

In the text we take into consideration not the basic typology - that is sitting and static, but the walking meditation : it does so with simplicity and spontaneity so much so that it is impossible not to accept the invitation to follow him in this regenerating walk!

Walking meditation, what the book is about

" Meditation walk, step by step. Walking in being, being in walking ”is proposed as an introduction to the technique of walking meditation .

Ideally, it seems almost like a chat with the author who takes into consideration the many aspects of the question, not just the most courtly ones: he explains when to meditate, where, how to deal with possible passers-by, how to dress; he faces the small and large daily impediments, the jokes of the poorly trained mind, the fears of the novice meditator. All with a simple, rigorous but friendly language that puts the reader at ease, encouraging him to read.

The book goes on to get to the heart of things, explaining some walking meditation techniques up to meditative jogging . Everything is clearly clear, comprehensive and interesting. The author also lets himself go to the story of personal anecdotes, enriching the desk style with warmth and intimacy.

It inevitably leads to sitting meditation, an inevitable topic in every book of meditative techniques. Here no strategy is explored, simply Volker tells his experience, the reasons why he considers it so important to recharge the "batteries of awareness" .

A few pages of personal notes, thanks and intentions close the book, transporting the reader to the web where it is possible to get in touch, through the website and on the Facebook page, with the author and the community that leads to Lugano.

Walking: benefits, how and where

Meditation walk: book for everyone

The book is a text absolutely suitable for everyone, even for those who have never approached the world of spirituality .

The style is flat, frank and linear yet captivating ; teaching as necessary, conveys the author's passion for the subject matter that passes and reaches the reader page after page.

The approach is rational and explanatory, easy to understand. The chapters are short and focused on tackling the topic to the advantage of the rhythm of the text that flows lightly, without peaks, but never boring.

Recommended? Yup!

We would like to recommend this book especially to those who consider meditation sitting outside their strings: these techniques, in fact, are very simple and could redraw the map of our movements on foot with the pen of awareness .

Even if you do not find the time to practice in a classic way, you can take the walks to immerse yourself in meditation and practice, improving our lives .

Literally, step by step.

Find out more about the benefits of walking meditation

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