The voice as a therapeutic tool

They call it voice-therapy in the present day, but in fact the voice for human beings has always been a powerful instrument of support, help and way to oneself.

What does it mean to open the door to oneself starting from the use of the voice? And how does knowing how to use it to get in touch with yourself brings enormous benefits?

The voice as a therapeutic tool

When the psychophysical impediments block us it often happens that the repercussions are there at the vocal level.

In other words, great energy stagnations can go right into the channel from which our soul should have free release, that is through the voice. Why does this happen?

First of all it needs to be clarified that in the transition from tribal to civilian sphere many customs have confined the song to the show, to the forms of other art, detached from everyday life. Singing for us means being re-appropriation of one's own experience on this earth, with so many moments of passage to mark it.

Inasmuch as it is absolutely integrated into our human experience from ages, the song has a value equal to the dance and therefore contains an absolute healing power.

If you take a method based precisely on the liberation of the voice like the Linklater method (created by Kristin Linklater to help the actors make their own languages ​​even very far from those contemporary to them, as in the case of the Shakespearean one) we understand how also current techniques they return to the concept of their own familiar voice, the one that reveals nuances belonging to the soul. When the voice becomes free, the communication also improves.

Approaching exercises of use of the voice as a therapeutic tool allows us to radically change the communicative dynamics and the ability to direct an impulse. Speaking means bringing words to life but words represent a phase following intuition and can often become cages or filters, depending on the programming received even during education.

The voice becomes a therapeutic tool because when articulated in short sounds or melodies it does not fall into the logic of meaning at all costs . "The free song" of each - to paraphrase Battisti - has enormous power and enormous resonance.

The throat, the breath, the voice

The oral and respiratory systems on an emotional level are intimately connected. If you breathe well, you are at your best. Not only that: if you breathe well you don't feel any real urgency, no hurry to say something. This saves us a lot of uselessly wasted breath.

But what is the relationship between the throat and the voice ? In the Ayurvedic tradition the throat chakra is called Vishudda chakra, which has to do with the complex ability to express and listen. There are specific positions to stimulate this area and go to bring energy to the affected area.

The inhibition of the free expression of the voice and of one's own emotions and opinions leads to contractions of the muscles of the neck and throat.

Abdominal breathing and exploration of the power that comes from the lower abdomen are compromised when the simplest and most vital physical functions such as running, moving and playing are overshadowed. And this applies to children as well as adults.

The voice has an incredible revelatory power and through the conscious use of the same and targeted exercises you can go to work even on deep blocks at the muscular and respiratory level.

Discover also the benefits of Vedic singing

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