Constipation in pregnancy, nutrition and natural remedies

Constipation in pregnancy is quite common.

One of the main causes is the increase of progesterone, a hormone fundamental for the continuation of pregnancy but which slows down all the motor activities and, consequently, also the intestinal transit.

Another cause is the compression on the terminal part of the intestine, due to the increase in the volume of the uterus, as the child grows.

Other causes of constipation in pregnancy are an increase in body weight, especially when it is excessive, poor physical movement and variations in diet .

Constipation in pregnancy and proper nutrition

Nutrition in pregnancy must be very careful.

It is not necessary to undergo too many limitations but it is important to follow some tricks, to favor the well-being of mother and child.

Regarding the prevention and treatment of constipation it is important:

> Follow a rich diet of seasonal fruits and vegetables, being careful to wash it very well, especially when it is eaten raw.

> Get enough moisture, and then drink at least a liter and a half of water a day.

> Consume an adequate quantity of foods rich in dietary fiber, remembering to accompany them with the correct intake of liquids.

Foods that help you with constipation in pregnancy

Fruits and vegetables in season are good in every case, but there are some types that help particularly in the prevention and treatment of constipation.

> Kiwi.

> Melon.

> Prunes, fresh and dried. In the case of dried prunes, however, be careful not to overdo it due to the high intake of sugar and calories .

> Pears, raw and cooked.

> Courgettes: they are a clever food because they are also very low in calories and very rich in water, so they are also particularly useful for controlling body weight and fighting water retention.

> Spinach.

Other useful foods to prevent and combat constipation in pregnancy are

> Yogurt, due to the presence of lactic ferments.

> Raw extra virgin olive oil, always taking care not to overdo the quantities. In fact, olive oil is a very precious food but it is also very caloric. In pregnancy it is very important to keep body weight under control; the farm increase should not exceed 9/12 kilos .

> Legumes. Even in this case, however, it is good not to exceed. In fact, legumes can increase the production of intestinal gases. Soaking times and adequate cooking help reduce this contraindication.

> Oilseeds. They are very caloric, but in small quantities they can be useful to the organism from many points of view and promote intestinal transit.

Constipation in pregnancy, other natural remedies

The first of the natural remedies against constipation in pregnancy is, therefore, a correct diet.

Instead, it is necessary to pay attention to the use of laxatives, including natural ones; even with herbal teas and herbs you have to go slow.

There are natural preparations and herbs that can have negative effects on the fetus, so before taking anything it is important to consult your doctor. Natural is not synonymous for sure.

Mallow is generally considered a safer natural remedy than other herbs with a laxative effect, but caution is advisable, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus is not yet well defended.

Therefore, especially in the first three months of gestation, it is advisable to avoid infusions and other herbal remedies.

If feeding alone is not sufficient to solve the problem of constipation, seek medical attention before taking anything.

A little physical movement, if the course of the pregnancy allows it, can be another valid natural remedy against constipation in pregnancy.

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