As physical activity helps the immune system

Physical activity and the immune system

Moving your body means honoring it and respecting its rhythms, having a high regard for self-knowledge, not only from the muscular or osteoarticular point of view, but also in relation to the well-being of the tissues . In fact, we often forget that the well-being of internal organs also depends on our ability to let go of toxins, to get rid of them effectively.

The nature of many inflammatory states is linked precisely to this difficulty of disposal. Playing sports regularly and constantly lowers the risk of contracting respiratory viruses and generally increases the body's immune defenses .

We must remember not to improvise athletes, because with sudden changes we create situations of great stress for the body. Better to plan, to plan, also according to the objectives in the long and medium term. Hydrating the body is essential, especially between one training session and another and in the morning. We should not think that sport solves everything.

It takes a correct, balanced diet, even to avoid vitamin deficiencies. Also choosing natural supplements and supplementing with organic superfoods favors recovery, especially in winter. It is also good to combine aerobic work with meditation and coordination and work disciplines on the psychic side as in the case of gentle martial arts or on the pure postural side as in the case of Pilates .

Physical activity: what weakens the immune system

Playing sports, sweating, and not covering yourself properly will greatly weaken the immune system. Likewise, practicing sports without covering the airways endangers the well-being of the entire apparatus. Striving a lot in sports such as swimming and going out without taking the thermal shock into account can be lethal.

If you opt for evening sports programs the risk is in over-excitement that ends up affecting the sleep-wake rhythm. Our immune system is made up of cells (lymphocytes, plasma cells and their precursors), primary lymphoid organs (thymus and bone marrow) and secondary organs (spleen, lymph nodes and lymphoid tissue of mucous membranes).

If even practicing sports in a competitive way causes stress for races and results, the immune system should still remain protected, perhaps by resorting to herbal remedies or vitamins and antioxidant supplements . Remember, however, that when excessive or inadequate, sport damages the immune system in the sense that it generates a high reaction to immune stress, which must also be managed based on the lymphocyte modifications produced. The same risks, although on the opposite side, also create a total absence of various types of physical practices .

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