How to cure skin fungi

The fungi of the skin can be of various nature and ascribable to different types of fungal agents.

Onychomycosis that affects the nails of hands and feet, ringworms that attack the feet and nest on the heel, on the plant and between the fingers, or on the head on the scalp, the candida affecting the mucous membranes, in the genital areas and the hollow oral and moist areas such as underarms, skin folds.

The fungi of the skin can be contracted in damp environments, in contact with animals, but they can be present on our body for a long time inactivated in the form of yeasts and later triggered by a lowering of the immune defenses or a protracted pharmacological treatment, such as the candida.

They generally occur with peeling of the skin, redness, itching and have a circular shape.

Skin fungi: natural remedies

Consulting a dermatologist is essential for a correct definition of the type of fungus from which to defend oneself and above all to verify that it is not a form of mycosis that involves the deeper areas of the skin.

In synergy with the drugs and ointments that the doctor will prescribe to eradicate the mycotic agent, we can introduce some natural remedies, which will speed up recovery times and which we can also adopt as a preventive measure if we are pool goers, if we go to the beach or if we simply we own pets.

> TeaTree Oil : this is the essential oil of Melaleuca, which has a broad-spectrum antiseptic action: it is antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral. It has anti-inflammatory, healing and analgesic properties. It is indicated for infections and skin problems such as skin fungi, acne, pustules, herpes, warts, dandruff, canker sores, gingivitis. It has immunostimulant properties for the defense of our body.

Compared to other essential oils the tea tree can be handled very easily. It has no toxicity and can also be used pure . However, the advice is to dilute it in a carrier oil for a simpler and more buffered use on the part affected by the mycosis.

> Grapefruit seed extract : it is a remedy whose effectiveness is under discussion, and there are various currents of thought about it. We say that it is not validated by scientific studies, but its use has given interesting results against some infectious forms.

Grapefruit Seed Extract is rich in flavonoids, vitamin C and Vitamin E. Used in synergy with tea tree oil we can take it for internal use with little water, or it can be found in dry extract on the market.

> Propolis in ointment : propolis has bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties and can be used in the form of ointment or ointment for cutaneous problems due to mycosis, herpes, psoriasis, eczema, infections. Its anti-fungal action is due to the presence of caffeinic acid. It also performs healing activity to restore the tissues and moisturize the epidermis.

> Echinacea : it is an immunostimulant that we can take in synergy with other remedies to stimulate our immune system and its response to fungal attacks. It has antiviral properties thanks to the presence of polysaccharides and antibacterials thanks to the presence of terpenes. We can take echinacea in hydroalcoholic extract for internal use.

Warning: echinacea is contraindicated in individuals with autoimmune diseases and allergy sufferers.

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