What is the best time to remove your baby's diaper?

The children are not all the same ; there are some that get sphincter control very early and others that need more time.

Usually, however, summer , just before or just after two years, is a good time to remove the diaper .

Of course, in the summer it is much simpler for a whole series of extremely obvious practical reasons: the lighter and less stratified clothing, the climate and also our possibility of being more present as parents during the holidays greatly facilitate the task.

However, it's not just the season that sets the rules for the perfect time to take off the diaper . There are signs of the child being listened to.

What are the signs that it's time to take off the diaper

> The child shows that he is annoyed by the wet diaper, for example he asks to take it off as soon as he wets it;

> in the morning, the child wakes up with a dry diaper ;

> is intrigued by the bathroom ;

> collaborate if we ask him to sit on the potty and he can sit there for 5-10 minutes ;

> shows that he is able to hold back his sphincters and starts asking to be taken to the bathroom;

> feels gratified after peeing or else in the potty.

How to behave to facilitate the task of removing the diaper

Taking off the diaper can be a walk or, on the contrary, become a difficult undertaking; it is also very dependent on our attitude towards the child in this period so important for growth and autonomy.

It is important that mom and dad do not show themselves tired and impatient. The child should never be mortified and should not be pressured . If we face the moment like a game everything will be simpler and more natural.

Children are routine and, therefore, it may be useful to create some rituals, for example starting to take them to the bathroom in the morning, before having breakfast, after the main meals and before going to bed, without being too rigid if the child does not collaborates and trying to make the moment as pleasant as possible.

Before starting with a few attempts, it may be a good idea to go together to buy a potty or a reducer (or both), making the child choose it.

Positive reinforcement also helps a lot. A nice " Bravo! "At the right time is extremely motivating.

To prepare him for the idea of ​​getting rid of the diaper we can also read a few books together. There are many that tell the adventure of "spannolinamento" in a fun and interesting way for the child.

An illustrated book, and above all the moment we cut ourselves to read it together, can be a huge help in many moments of growth and even now that we have decided to finally remove the diaper.

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