Personal defence

Self-defense, or self-defense, is the ability to defend oneself against aggression or to know how to manage (or avoid) a dispute (not necessarily violent) between individuals who, for various reasons, can come to a clash.

What is personal defense

The opinion is very widespread that self-defense is only a set of techniques and teachings designed to land an opponent before he does it, as can be seen in some cinematic films confusing self-defense with “street fighting”. In reality, self-defense includes both physical techniques for defense against aggression and profound cognitive work on the psychological and preventive attitude.

For some the best victory is the one obtained without a fight ; that is, as long as there is the possibility of reasoning, reflecting, discussing with the other active subject about the situation that has arisen, then there is no need to fight by resorting to violence. In this regard, a good workout in a self-defense gym / school will certainly bring real benefits in the event of a conflict, as it is essential for acquiring gestures and good physical preparation.

In self-defense it is necessary to consider 3 main elements: the prevention, the technique and the mental attitude of the person who practices it; that is to say that the mental attitude of the defender is decisive for the success of the defense.

Prevention is a fundamental concept of self-defense, and for this reason it is included in technical studies. Prevention serves to avoid unnecessary risk situations for the person . It may seem obvious, but often this concept is not immediately understood by those approaching a self-defense school for the first time. The saying "Prevention is better than cure" can also be adopted in this field.

Self-defense: the Chischòu Method

The Chischòu Self-Defense Method is a multidisciplinary technical program designed to provide its practitioners with a valid defense system based on the principles of flexibility and compliance. It represents a balanced synthesis of the most effective techniques, derived from the combat disciplines aimed at the Chischòu defense, transforming the energies employed by the aggressor to his own advantage. Self-defense, according to the method, is conceived as a culture of prevention suitable for all, a knowledge of risks and violence where the study of an art of defense, first of all must give awareness of one's own limits, of one's abilities and self-confidence. According to the method, Chischò the attitude of a preventive conscience of any attack starts from two essential philosophies:

1) Be prepared

2) A technique is used only for defense and never for offense

All Chischòu techniques have in common the pursuit of simplicity of execution and effectiveness.

It is important that a defense technique enters the physical memory of the person performing it, ie it must be performed spontaneously; the technique must not be thought of, it must be performed and just, as if the body reacted by instinct.

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