Become a flower therapist: self-therapy and health in the flower

Flower Therapist profession

Becoming a flower therapist means being an expert consultant in the helping relationship through the application of the natural system of flower therapy, following the therapeutic method designed by the famous Edward Bach, starting from the belief that each disease corresponds to a specific psychological distress. The method therefore consists of 38 preparations (the so-called Bach flowers or remedies ) that can alleviate numerous disorders.

The operator's intervention is based primarily on empathic listening, to understand the nature of the problem, the needs of the person involved and the characteristics of the environment in which they live. Once the client's emotional imbalance has been identified, the flower- therapist guides him in choosing the flower essences indicated to unblock the reactive force and to mobilize the inner resources to make a change possible and thus facilitate the solution to the problem.

The flower-therapist does not propose herself as an alternative to the doctor or the psychologist, she does not deal with diagnoses or medical pathologies nor with treating symptoms, but with balancing all those negative emotional attitudes that can, in the long run, favor them.

Become a flower therapist

Today, more and more people are approaching flower therapy and more and more pharmacies are offering flower therapy products, which lend themselves to self- therapy . However, this spread like wildfire brings with it the need for regulation and professionalism. How to become flower-therapists then? If you want to become professional florist therapists, it is first of all better to be wary of the numerous isolated flower therapy courses, to instead turn to known and accredited naturopathic schools that have in the didactic program flower therapy courses or triennial floriera therapy schools that include attendance, exams and final thesis, in in line with the general directives of the Ministry of Education. After attending the courses, it is possible to take an exam and be enrolled in the Italian Register of Flower Therapists.

Since 1976, the World Health Organization ( WHO ) has recognized and legitimized the use of flower therapy as a complementary treatment method. However, becoming a flower therapist, in Italy and in other European countries, is not synonymous with a title officially recognized by the State, which instead happens in England, France, Spain and Germany.

Courses to become a flower therapist

Becoming a flower therapist means having a wide range of courses to choose from, more or less valid. A valid training is provided directly by the Bach flower course recognized by the Edward Bach Foundation, the original study unit based in England. The international program is articulated on three levels and includes a dense calendar full of seminars, conferences; at the end of each level the participant receives a diploma certified by the Edward Bach Foundation.

In addition to the Edward Bach Foundation, there are other schools that have courses lasting three years, include attendance, exams and a final thesis and the possibility of taking an exam in order to be enrolled in the Italian Register of Flower Therapists . Many of these courses are included in accredited naturopathic school programs.

Here you get acquainted with the 12 healers and the 7 helpers : you can better understand what the Bach flowers are and what they are used for, what are the moods they act on, and then include the other 19 flowers. We learn fundamental notions about the life of Edward Bach and how this great scholar has come to develop flower remedies. We then move on to the knowledge of the signature and of the botanical aspects and, since, as in many cases, the practice is master, we move towards the path of preparation of Bach flowers and Rescue Remedy. In a course that respects itself, the spiritual and practical purposes of flower therapy must not be neglected. Finally, some schools integrate this program with lessons on relaxation and meditation techniques.

In conclusion, to any training institution you decide to contact, we advise you to check that these are not impromptu mini-courses, of ridiculous duration, held by professors of dubious professionalism.

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