We reactivate our second brain: the intestine

We have a second brain. How to reactivate it with the Colonic

The practice of "washing" the colon to purify the organism is lost in the mists of time: in Chinese and Indian medicine we speak of this purification technique. In the famous Ebers code, an Egyptian medical papyrus dating back to 1550 BC, this natural treatment was already described.

Colonic Irrigation is therefore a very powerful detoxifying technique and it is a real pity that here in Italy it is still little known and practiced, as sometimes fearlessly feared. Today's stressful rhythms, a sedentary lifestyle, a diet rich in refined foods, with a high content of saturated fats and low in natural fibers as well as the introduction of altered and carcinogenic substances, interfere problematically in the normal functioning of the digestive system.

The malfunctioning of the intestinal "alchemical laboratory" inevitably leads to a reabsorption of water rich in non-expelled toxic substances, which are reabsorbed into the bloodstream and transported directly to the liver, in particular, mineral salts, terminal products of the metabolism of sugars, fats and proteins. Although today it is very common to be plagued by chronic styptic suffering and swelling, caused mainly by an unnatural diet and by drug abuse, even people who think they enjoy "regularity" suffer from the presence of thickened residues along the intestinal walls.

Excessive quantities of these substances can in fact create problems for the whole organism, up to a true self- intoxication and a dysbiosis, or the dangerous growth of pathogenic microorganisms, aggravated by a sort of limestone incrustation of hardened material on the colic mucosa (which can sometimes reach a few centimeters thick and several pounds of weight!), which further alters the absorbent and detoxifying functions of the colon.

Those who undergo colon hydrotherapy, in addition to finding extraordinary benefit in the symptoms listed above, find immediate benefits both at a general level (sense of lightness, better digestion and disappearance of abdominal bloating, post-prandial bloating and drowsiness), and cutaneous ( the skin becomes brighter, less oily and acneic and the appearance of the face is more serene and relaxed). This gentle treatment can be administered at all ages and, if performed in a specialized center and if carried out under the supervision of expert doctors, is neither painful nor dangerous.

In a few sessions the state of the bacterial flora is brought back to optimal levels and the lazy intestine returns to work at full speed . Always on medical indication, a pre and post treatment protocol is recommended. If the specialist works on the level of a natural health system that is based on a holistic vision of the body, not only considering its psychophysical entirety but also integrating it with the energy aspect, it can also perform a reflexological reading on the colon itself, since on it is represented the whole hologram of the person; in fact on this organ there are all the reflex zones connected with the other systems, not only from the organic point of view but also and above all of their connection to specific emotions.

The person who approaches the treatment is therefore subjected to a careful medical history which also makes use of the physiognomic approach. Keeping this organ clean is therefore not only a matter of hygiene but above all allows the nervous system and other organs to function and react better in their natural process of self-care, which starts from the intestine. During the session it is therefore important not only to carry out a simple washing of slag but to obtain very important information from these particular reflexology points and then act directly on them with a particular massage and with the use of targeted color therapy by water, in order to activate a general energy response of the whole body.

With this technique it is possible to obtain unexpected results not only on an organic but also a neuropsychic level, as it is brilliantly exposed in the famous book " The second brain ", written a few years ago by Michael D. Gershon, head of the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology of the Columbia University in New York, author of countless scientific publications and considered one of the fathers of neurogastroenterology, recently translated into our country for the types of UTET.

This scientist is credited with the revolutionary "Copernican discovery" of an abdominal brain, which even seems to "dominate the most noble colleague. In all cultures, in idioms, in the usual sense, the belly has traditionally been considered the main site of feelings and emotions, until someone came to mind to count the nerve fibers of the intestine, discovering that these sayings were based on a scientific reality: in the belly there is a second brain, almost a copy of that which we have in the head and which is not only used for digestion.

As the brain of the head also the abdominal one produces psychoactive substances that influence moods, such as serotonin, dopamine but also opiate painkillers and even benzodiazepines. Gershon fell in love with the abdominal brain when he was a student, learning that serotonin, a neuromediator, influenced moods. He then discovered that 95% of serotonin is produced precisely by the nerve cells of the intestine and is also responsible for the peristaltic reflex. No one took Gershon seriously until 1981 when one of his opponents, the Australian Marcello Costa, showed that nerve cells in the intestine produce serotonin. However, the communication between the two brains seems to be dominated by that located in the belly.

It is from here that 90% of the messages leave for the head. Most of these messages are unconscious, happening without us becoming aware of them; we perceive them only when they are warning signs that trigger discomfort reactions. The abdominal brain would even have a memory that uses the same molecules in the brain of the head to fix the memories: the stresses of the past are thus imprinted in the brain and abdomen, making the axis between these two centers hypersensitive for life.

And this explains why children suffering from colic in infancy generally have a greater risk of becoming adults suffering from an irritable bowel. But it is not just the latter disease that now benefits from Colonic; also halitosis, constipation, meteorism, abdominal bloating, candidiasis, allergic diseases, eczema, acne, rheumatic diseases and arthrosis, headaches, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, hypo and hypertension, colitis, spastic colon, diverticulosis, asthma, immune weakness, depression, chronic fatigue and Crohn's disease enjoy great improvements. Recent studies also confirm a primary prophylaxis action of this technique in colon rectal carcinoma.

The contraindications are few, such as all intestinal inflammation in their acute phase, intestinal carcinoma and severe heart disease, thus allowing this very useful practice that confirms that "a clean intestine is the basis of a body healthier and more beautiful ”.

Dr. Patrizio Hermes Barbon, head of the Olimed Study Center in Treviso

Discover all the homeopathic remedies for the intestine

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