Fight the sadness with Bach flowers

In flower therapy, Bach flowers are used for sadness, because this is an altered mood and therefore fits into the field of action of flower remedies. If a loved one has passed away, it is clear that nothing and no one can give it back, and even flower remedies have this power; but what I am able to do is change the perspective with which to look and relate to what has happened. Their recruitment allows them to make peace with unresolved situations and get out of the dark condition in which one finds those who feel sadness.

How sadness is defined

Sadness is defined as an innate and physiologically normal response to stages of deprivation or loss and which, if at the beginning of life, serves to signal to others and to themselves that something essential is lacking in their own well-being; while in the later stages, if used with awareness, it can be a valuable resource . In fact many painters, poets, musicians have produced their best works in moments of great sadness and melancholy. These feelings characterize very sensitive people, those who "feel too much" who "love too much" and turn out to be the obligatory path of "too much thinking".

Sadness, in fact, is one of the emotions that leads to introspection, a mental attitude that with Jung we could define as " introverted" because it is directed towards one's own inner life and the contact with one's real needs. If this situation lasts for long periods we talk about depression.

Sadness is not directly connected to depression, but can be understood as the initial symptom of the so-called "dark evil" or of a physical and mental evil; for this reason it is not to be underestimated. Also according to Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, these two states of mind cannot be superimposed because the former, unlike the latter, is connected to loss and mourning and consists of a normal and adaptive transient emotional state.

Bach flowers for sadness

The Bach flowers for sadness act on the emotional causes that generated it. Let's see what they are compared to the sadness manifested.

Star of Bethlehem

Star of Bethlehem: when sadness is the consequence of a particularly dramatic event, such as a loss or a death. Those who experience unhappiness use it for a sentence that comes suddenly (bad news, job loss, illness, mourning, accident) uses it. Repressed pain not disposed.

According to Edward Bach is the elective remedy to overcome the traumas: " For those who are in a state of great distress due to situations that, in a given period, have caused so much unhappiness: the shock of bad news, the loss of a loved one, the fear of an accident and other similar events. This remedy brings relief to those who reject the comfort of others ".

Star of Bethelehem is considered the remedy of consolation able to heal the pain of the "wound still bleeding". It moves the blocked energy, helps the flow of emotions and pushes you to face pain without suppressing it .

It sets in motion the self - healing power, to face any bad situation, to overcome painful and traumatizing experiences. The remedy soothes inner suffering, and dissolves the effects of the trauma.


Mustard: it is the elective remedy for sadness without apparent causes, which suddenly appears on the person and darkens everything, causing it to sink into a state of acute melancholy, without an explanation. "For those who are subjected to periods of melancholy or even despair, as if a cold and dark cloud cast a dark shadow on them obscuring the light and the joy of living. It is not always easy to find a rational explanation to these crises ".

The flower is indicated to those who go through periodic crises and ups and downs of sadness and melancholy, without a clear origin and which arrive suddenly (black cloud), remain for days, weeks, or even months, until just as suddenly, disappear, without apparent causes . Mustard awakens the light that is in us, bringing serenity, sadness becomes joy of life; the ability to balance the ups and downs of life returns with balance. Serenity even in the dark: you can see the black cloud, but it cannot be oppressed.


Honeysucle: when sadness is caused by what in the past should have been done and not done or by the impossibility of reliving the happy moments that have passed and will never come back. This flower is the ideal remedy for those who idealize distant days for fear of facing the unknowns of today. It lacks interest for the present, it does not find satisfactions and lives of regrets, of memories, of nostalgia for an idealized time with which it has an unresolved link .

Dr. Edward Bach describes these people as " those who live a lot in the past, perhaps for a period of great happiness, or in the memory of a lost friend or unfulfilled ambitions. They do not expect to find a happiness similar to that already experienced ”. The flower remedy helps to grow, to look at the past in a serene way, to live the present looking to the future, promoting the ability to learn from the past.


Willow is the remedy for sadness caused by disappointed expectations and bitterness . Indeed, the moment of sadness represents the meeting between desire and its limits.

Bach gave it to "those who have suffered because of adversity or misfortune and find it difficult to accept it, without complaining or resentment, because they judge life based on success. They feel they have not earned such a great test, they find it unfair and they are bitter about it. They often experience a lesser interest in those things in life that they liked before ".

The flower helps to control suffering and favors the recovery of a globally positive vision of existence. It promotes a responsible attitude towards one's life and the ability to create one's own destiny.

Discover the division into 7 groups of Bach flowers

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