Hemp of a thousand uses

Seeds, oil, pasta, biscuits and even hemp chocolate. This plant, in fact, known above all for its prohibitionist vicissitudes, is rich in essential acids (such as Omega 3 and Omega 6), vitamins (such as E, B1, B2) and natural antioxidants capable of being highly preventive in inflammatory environments and allergic.

However, the presence of THC in varying amounts in some varieties led to US prohibition in the 1930s; it was thus that, for example, the production of light oil was supplanted by oil, the ropes began to be produced in nylon (always a petroleum by-product), in the textile industry ample space was given to cotton and then to synthetic fibers.

Fortunately, such a product is being re-evaluated as hemp, versatile and of a thousand uses. Also for what concerns feeding, in fact. For centuries in fact from hemp seeds and oil were extracted imbued with beneficial properties . Its nutritional content is interesting both in terms of protein and fat balance.

Hemp, a plant of which nothing is thrown away

Hemp seeds contain about 22% of very assimilable and complete proteins, ie they include all eight essential amino acids such as cereals and legumes together. They supply many fibers, minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and zinc. They have a good content of vitamin E, a vitamin that protects our cells from damage and aging.

Hemp seeds have a pleasant taste and do not cause allergies, they can be added to salads or used to produce an extremely rich hemp protein, and from there pasta, bread, baked goods.

Finally from the hemp seeds a green oil is obtained, with a pleasant fruity taste, to be used exclusively raw and conserved strictly in the fridge.

Many companies see cannabis as the undisputed protagonist of the future, such as Equilibrium, a Lombard company known for its commitment to building energy-efficient, biocompatible and zero-emission buildings. However, today, in addition to architecture, he wants to try to make his debut in the food industry. Paolo Ronchetti, General Manager of Equilibrium, says about it "The demand for wellness is growing exponentially, and not only in terms of natural construction. For this reason we have decided to expand the offer to the food sector, aware that nature already offers us so many possibilities to live well in balance with ourselves and the environment ".

Use of hemp oil in Ayurvedic medicine

Grow hemp

Images | Pixabay

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