3 recipes with raw leek

Porro property

The leek (Allium porrum), like garlic and onion, belongs to the Gigliacee family, and has the same nutritional qualities. The allicin content makes it a health ally. The leek also contains vitamin A and vitamin C. The mineral content is fair.

The leek, especially if consumed raw, has diuretic, antibacterial properties, rebalances the intestinal flora, is antiseptic and regulates the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and pressure. It is therefore an ally of heart health, facilitates weight control, and purifies naturally .

The allicin content of the leek, like garlic and onion, makes this food a natural antibiotic .

Finally, folic acid and flavonoids make it possible to count leeks among the antioxidant foods and particularly suitable for women's health.

Numerous studies have shown that a diet comprising leek, garlic and onion, allows to neutralize the aromatic hydrocarbons that develop during the cooking of certain foods, especially of animal origin, thus protecting the digestive system from the risk of tumors.

Used as a medicinal herb among the oldest, the leek can control the blood sugar level in the blood, and therefore is useful for those suffering from metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

3 recipes with raw leek

The raw leek has a more pleasant and less strong taste than garlic and onion, and retains all the beneficial nutritional properties. Furthermore, the white part of its stem is very tender and the quality of fiber is such as to facilitate intestinal transit without irritating the stomach and colon walls.

The leek can be used as a seasoning for verdur e, added to the dishes cooked at the end of the recipe, finely chopped or cut into round slices.

Sprouted oats with lemon and leeks

This raw dish is tasty especially during the hot season . It is easy to prepare. For two people 200 g of organic oats are germinated.

Once the sprouts have formed, add a handful of finely chopped parsley, the juice of a lemon, and a raw leek cut into slices. It is seasoned with a little extra virgin olive oil and served.

Leek and cannellini salad

This salad is easy to prepare. Already cooked white cannellini beans are used, the white leek stem is cut and mixed. Also in this case you can add wakame seaweed, or dried tomatoes to flavor.

It is seasoned to taste, using extra virgin olive oil and lemon, from gomasio, and is served.

Raw leeks noodle in avocado soup and cashew nuts

Raw soups are the alternative without cooking in raw food. To maintain all the nutrients and to eat according to the principles of raw food, it is sufficient not to cook anything or heat food above 40 °. This means that you can still use warm water.

Many foods are soaked in water for a few hours, to make them softer and therefore more digestible. As in this case.

For a velvety cream for two people, 100 g of cashews are placed in a bowl of warm water for about a couple of hours.

Meanwhile, cut some raw leek leaves (the white part) lengthwise, giving them the shape of spaghetti or tagliolini, and put them to rest in a cup of cold water.

Once the cashews have been drained, add the pulp of a ripe avocado, the juice of a lemon, and whisk together with a cup of water to give a smooth and homogeneous consistency. Season with salt and pepper according to your taste, and finally mix together with the leek noodles extracted from the water and what is left of the finely diced leek.

Serve lukewarm, if lukewarm or fresh water is used, with leek slices as a garnish, and a sprinkling of unroasted sesame seeds.

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