Practices of personal hygiene in yoga

Traditionally yoga was not only a discipline practiced in free time, but a real code of life : a training, so to speak, that involved the individual not only physically or mentally, but also in everyday life .

In fact, the adept adhered to a whole series of practices - food, hygiene, etc ... - which were intended to foster and amplify the psychophysical benefits of yoga and to maintain an excellent state of health.

Some of these habits are known even today and often still practiced in the East and sometimes even in the West: think of the jala neti, even recommended for children, or the shank prankshalana which, although more debatable, has great success.

The science of yoga involves many washes and daily cleaning constitutes a real ritual, meticulous and rich in practices

Some hygienic practices of yoga

If the modern yogi wanted to implement the hygienic prescriptions of yoga to the letter, he should set the alarm clock several hours before leaving home.

In fact, even if we put aside occasional practices - such as colon or stomach cleansing - even daily ones are thorough and articulated .

One of the reference texts of yoga, the Hathayogasamhita, illustrates how to start the day in the best way: " The cleaning of the teeth, the mouth, the tongue, the ears, the frontal sinuses (...) should be practiced with great care every morning".

It could arouse some curiosity the cleanliness of the tongue, in our little practiced culture: it is performed with an instrument called nettalingua (it is also available in Italy, in herbal medicine and in ethnic shops) which has the purpose of removing the patina of toxins that accumulates on the tongue in the morning favoring oral hygiene and fragrant breath.

Even the eyes should be cleansed by covering them with water, as well as the ears, in their internal and external part.

Of the cleaning of the nose, we have already called attention previously recalling the practice of the jala neti so we leave the word to another classic text of yoga, the Hathayogapradipika, which in this regard states: " The cleaning of the nose serves to purify the sinuses, to reinvigorate the brain and affect the optic nerves thus improving vision ”.

A whole series of daily practices concern the question of evacuation, considered to be of paramount importance, to be always implemented with a profusion of water during the cleaning phase (ie not with the card only). This attention to deep hygiene finds its fulfillment in the bathroom or in the complete shower which should be practiced every day, preferably in the early morning . Once finished, it is recommended to oil the whole body (especially the joints) with specific oils, guaranteeing a moisturizing and relaxing effect.

Is the modern yogi now ready to go out? Well, technically not, because cleaning is not just exterior cleaning: some asanas and a short meditation session will make it ready to face the day ... impeccably clean, inside and out!

An important yogic principle: the importance of self-care

We have touched very briefly on some aspects of yoga hygiene, a theme that is actually quite vast. What we consider important to underline, beyond the more or less practicable practices, is the principle of self-care from a physical and even mental point of view .

The purpose of these practices, which also include yoga and meditation, is to keep the person healthy, to promote his longevity and his efficiency and, above all, to favor the spiritual and moral elevation that depends, in part, on purity and bodily well-being .

We gave you an article full of quotations, so we want to close it faithful to this classic atmosphere:

" How can anyone who does not know how to take care of their body, hope to achieve success in yoga ?" - Goraksapaddhati.

Oral hygiene according to ayurveda

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