Candida: natural and homeopathic remedies

The intestinal system is subject to numerous infections and benign but also particularly serious pathologies.

In fact, not a few studies have found an increased risk of certain diseases in subjects with alterations in intestinal bacterial flora.

Intestinal dysbiosis is determined by several factors. Among the verifiable causes there are certainly incorrect eating habits, drug abuse among which antibiotics in the first place, but also hormonal contraceptives, laxative abuse, stress, etc.

All this causes a weakening of the healthy microflora and increase of pathogenic bacteria.

Therefore we must not forget that a malfunctioning intestine creates imbalances that affect all areas of our body.

What is Candida?

Candida is a pathogenic proliferation of Candida Albicans in the intestine.

Candida is a saprophytic fungus that normally lives in harmony within our bodies, on the skin and on the mucous membranes of healthy subjects, in the oral cavity in the gastrointestinal tract and in the vagina.

Like many other microorganisms, it lives in symbiosis and helps us in some metabolic and biological processes, including the regulation of hormones and the digestion of sugars through a fermentation process.

Causes of candida infection

When the delicate balance in the intestinal environment is affected due to physical debilitation, lowering of the immune system, abuse of drugs such as antibiotics, birth control pills, a diet rich in refined sugars and not least stress, candida changes and becomes pathogenic. invasive and sometimes aggressive.

Systemic candidiasis pours its toxins into the bloodstream, thus manifesting itself in all body systems, at the skin level with the presence of thrush or acne, at respiratory, cardiac level, in the genitals (female species) and in the nervous system with chronic fatigue but also irritability.

Disorders such as premenstrual syndrome, cystitis, repeating vaginal infections may then occur

How to act with natural remedies?

The professional naturopath will act from within coming to the cause that turns out to be a dysbiotic intestine with intestinal cleansing and restoration of the eubiotic bacterial flora advising specific probiotics.

In addition to probiotics to minimize the level of candida (often when it is already vaginal), specific remedies based on Tea Tree (malaleuca alternifoglia) are used to help destroy the candida pathogen.

With homeopathy specific remedies for candida are recommended, which act directly on the symptom but will also help the subject on an emotional level (candida in fact feeds not only on sugars but also on our negative emotions): CANDIDA ALBICANS, IGNATIA AMARA, SEPIA, HELONIAS DIOICA.

Read also Candida, what tricks you have >>

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