Sinusitis: the 5 TOP remedies

First of all a clarification: is it sinusitis or cold ? It may be difficult to distinguish them, since they have several symptoms in common: stuffy nose, difficulty breathing, headache and sometimes low-grade fever.

Sinusitis, however, is characterized by the presence of unmistakable signs : pain in the face - especially the forehead, the eye sockets and the jaw - which increases with pressure and movement; greenish yellow nasal secretions ; phlegm ; reduction or absence of smell .

Sinusitis is the inflammation and subsequent infection of the paranasal sinuses (cavities inside the cheekbones, forehead, nose and behind the frontal bone), which swell and can become infected as a result of the proliferation of viruses or bacteria.

Most often the sinusitis "passes by itself" within a few weeks, or our body develops defenses for complete recovery .

Other times it lasts for a few months (it is chronic sinusitis) and medical intervention may be necessary. In any case, there are natural cures for sinusitis that can mitigate the symptoms and accelerate healing. We see 5 of them, the best.

Here are the top 5 remedies for sinusitis .

1. Bromelain for sinusitis

In the case of sinusitis, abundant mucus accumulates in the paranasal sinuses causing acute pain . Nature comes to the rescue with bromelain (a mixture of proteolytic enzymes), contained above all in the pineapple stem, with proven proteolytic properties. In other words, it helps dissolve the mucus and reduce swelling.

Attention : it will not be sufficient to increase the consumption of pineapple, also because most of bromelain is contained in the stem. Better to take it as a supplement, unless otherwise advised by your doctor.

2. Humidifier for sinusitis

Dry air, frequent in the presence of common heating systems, irritates the mucous membranes and makes mucus drainage difficult, accentuating the symptoms of sinusitis.

Putting water bowls on heaters or lighting a humidifier above all during the night will help keep the mucous membranes hydrated and facilitate the elimination of mucus.

3. Natural nasal spray for sinusitis

In case of sinusitis it will be essential to keep the nasal mucous membranes hydrated throughout the day, with a constant frequency.

You will be able to fit some ampoules already packaged, with saline solution, or sea water or a nasal spray with Propolis (which will also work well as an antibacterial). In the absence of anything else, a syringe without metal tip, filled with water and salts will be fine: you will prepare 30 ml of warm water in which to dissolve a quarter of a teaspoon of salt and a quarter of a teaspoon of baking soda .

You will gently inject it in equal parts for each nostril, even several times a day.

4. Grapefruit seeds for sinusitis

We know that in sinusitis bacterial infections often occur in the mucus. Grapefruit seeds contain substances with bactericidal power. The extract will be used, unless otherwise advised, in drops diluted in a little water, several times a day.

5. Warts for sinusitis

Steam inhalation is the oldest of the therapies against pain, facial tension, congestion and infection of the nasal mucosa. It should be done several times during the day, for at least 10-15 minutes continuously, with a cloth on the head to keep the steam on the face without dispersing it.

The procedure is very simple: pour boiling water into a large container - a bowl will also be fine - and take a deep breath.

Aromatic herbs can be useful to add to boiling water (eucalyptus or pine, mint or rosemary leaves) or a drop of their essential oils .

Also read essential oils for sinusitis >>

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