Prevent back pain, even at the table

We crack it, we leave it in unlikely postures, we hold it too long or hump unreasonably. Yet the column is our life, literally.

And there are numerous reference systems, esoteric and otherwise, which consider the column in its symbolic meaning. For example, have you ever heard of astrological symbolism of the spine ?

Back pain and excesses

Linked to the Sun / Moon-Saturn polarity, the column is the seat of the propulsive energy of the elements channeled and pushed towards growth by the Earth and by Air.

Not only. The seven master chakras are arranged along the column. If the energy flows freely in the energy discs placed along the column, the fullness is reached on the four planes of being: physical, emotional, mental and mental.

But, while we are striving for this fullness, we can make mistakes and many of those we commit at the table have consequences on the whole vertebral body. The excesses of food that lead to overweight are often among the first causes of back pain due to the increased load on the spine. Or sugar, whose consumption increases the body's inflammatory states. When the back pain is placed in the cervical tract, the pain can be felt in the neck and radiate to the arms and hands. If at the base of the back instead, the pain can radiate to legs or feet and include other symptoms besides pain, such as weakness, feeling of falling asleep or tingling.

The most common causes of back pain are muscle fatigue . Wrong movements, incorrect postures or excessive loads (even those due to overweight) can cause muscle stress that causes pain. Sometimes back pain can bind to the release of an intervertebral disc and in this case it should be treated with care and with the help of a specialist. Other disorders affecting the spine are related to osteoarthritis (degeneration of the joints), arthritis (inflammation of the same) and osteoporosis.

Not only vertebrae, but also internal organs . Disorders such as the flu, or calculosis and gastroesophageal reflux, starting from the organs involved and radiating to the back, can give the illusion that you are dealing with a problem with your spine. The column is connected directly to the dentition (have you ever heard of dentosophy?): Do not underestimate dental malocclusions, which often cause pain in the spine.

At the table and on the mattress

Attention to where you sleep. Mattresses or pillows that do not provide the proper support can cause muscle tension and prevent the spine from resting in the correct position, causing or aggravating back pain. Watch out for too many commitments and stress management. Anxiety managed without awareness creates muscular tensions that limit flexibility and affect the functionality of the back.

And here are some tips on diet for those who care about their back.

Among the foods that help prevent and treat inflammations that can increase back pain are cereals and whole-grain derivatives (especially spelled, rice and millet); fresh and seasonal fruit and vegetables ; fish, white meat (chicken, turkey, veal); extra virgin olive oil, or yes flax or walnut seeds; yogurt; honey and maple syrup.

Avoid grains and refined derivatives instead; Red meat; cold cuts and sausages; fat cheeses; sweets and white sugar (sucrose); too salty foods; packaged food and fast food in general; fried; sugary drinks.

Supplements for muscles and nerves

Supplements for those who care about their back:

Magnesium and potassium when the pain is caused by the muscles: in fact they reduce muscle fatigue, they are two minerals present in the human body and in numerous foods such as algae, fruit and vegetables, cocoa, soya, walnuts, almonds . They are essential for muscle work. They are used together in sachets or tablets (1-2 per day) and are found in pharmacies or herbalists.

Alpha-lipoic acid in the presence of sciatica : it gives relief to the compromised nerves, it is a fatty acid that is found inside every cell of the body. It is necessary to produce energy for normal body functions. It has a protective effect on the nerves, also revitalizing the compromised ones of the vertebral discs that cause sciatica. It is bought in pharmacies and in herbal medicine, in tablets (often together with vitamins B, C and potassium) and they are taken 1-2 a day.

Finally, a precious gem on the willow.

The bark of the white willow contains salicylic derivatives, especially salicoside, which has the same properties as aspirin, without having the side effects. They are powerful anti-inflammatories and play an important antipyretic action. The intake of herbal preparations based on white willow bark is therefore an adjunct against joint pain, rheumatism and arthrosis, colds, fever and colds. It can be taken in mother tincture (30 drops 3 times a day), in dry titrated extract (1.5 grams per day).

Discover the psychosomatic causes of back pain

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