Natural supplements useful in menopause

The Menopause or, as my gynecologist friend says, Dr. Silvia Valcarenghi, the best woman, is a phase of life that every woman must cross sooner or later and then if we are aware of this step why not prepare in time and face change new life in the best way? Such as? With naturopathy and the aid, if needed, of herbal medicine.

Menopause: which natural supplements?

I state that the first remedy to which we must draw is our head, the mind can do wonderful things if we know how to integrate the physiological changes of our body.

This applies to everything, to an illness, to a slimming diet, to quit smoking, to a sudden disability.

It is not easy, absolutely, but " I am the most important person for myself " must become the mantra of our life: not to read in an egoistic or hedonistic key, but as a well-rooted centrality, stability, around which all changes revolve, which can make our being oscillate but never fall. "You are you, you are not your headache, you are not your cancer, you are not your age, you are not your menopause ... you are much more"!

Sometimes it is necessary to get help, but without fear, on the contrary, we learn new paths that lead to awareness and self-esteem ... and these days there is a great need.

However, if support is needed to accommodate the hormonal change we can resort to herbal remedies, which gently accompany a new balance.

Let's see in detail:

Sage Salvatrix for Menopause

The Medical School of Salerno used to recite salvia salvatrix natura conciliatrix . Sage was considered a sacred herb that should not be missing in the gardens due to its "salvific" properties. By reducing the "super powers", we can say that sage is an ally remedy for women .

Thanks to the presence of its flavonoids it is an aid in case of problems related to the menstrual cycle, amenorrhea, cramps and spasms, it rebalances the hormonal system and in menopause is effective in alleviating one of the most recurrent symptoms which are hot flashes . We can use fresh sage leaves to prepare infusions, not very pleasant on the palate, or on the market we find the hydroalcoholic extract to be dissolved in a little water.

Even the essential oil, for external use only, can help relax the central nervous system and promote restful sleep. A few drops to be mixed with coarse salt to soak in a relaxing bath, or in massage oil to be applied in the evening before bedtime on the abdominal area, on the legs and on the temples.

Red clover for Menopause symptoms

For those who complain of some symptoms more than hot flashes, such as mood swings, vaginal dryness, loss of breast tone, red clover is a remedy that contains isoflavones, which act as phytoestrogens, able to support hormonal fall, and also to prevent the onset of osteoporosis.

Red clover has antioxidant and cholesterol-lowering properties . It is always good to ask the doctor's advice, since the red clover interacts with some drugs, in particular with anticoagulants and with estrogen-based oral contraceptives.

It is not recommended if there are uterine fibroids, polycystic breasts or even cancer .

Soy isoflavones for the hormonal balance in Menopause

Soy Isoflavones are estrogen-like, they are phytoestrogens. In menopause they protect the female body from some important diseases such as breast cancer, cholesterol elevation, osteoporosis.

In addition to these characteristics, they are useful during the menopause to counteract hot flashes, mood swings and rebalance hormonal disorder . On the market there is Soy in a dry extract titrated in isoflavones, often also combined with red clover.

Cimicifuga to accompany Menopause

The cimicifuga is also called women's grass because it can be a valid aid to the female cycle at any stage of life, fertile age, climacteric and menopause. It acts like an estrogen-like, and is effective in the case of dysmenorrhoea, painful cycle, premenstrual syndrome, and, in menopause, to calm hot flashes and manage vaginal dryness.

The cimicifuga is a remedy that must be taken under medical supervision . It is not recommended for those suffering from liver diseases, but should not be taken by people allergic to acetylsalicylic acid.

Magnesium a support for Menopause

Magnesium is a valid support in the menopause phase. It acts on the neurovegetative sphere with relaxing properties, controls conditions of anxiety and nervousness and raises from depressive states . It counteracts physical tiredness, favors the restoration of the correct sleep-wake cycles.

It performs a remineralizing activity, useful in the case of osteoporosis, a degenerative bone disease that with menopause must be prevented with suitable supplements. At this stage I would advise against taking calcium, because it has been shown that our body is no longer able to synthesize it after a certain age, better to integrate the silicon that works in synergy with magnesium. Magnesium rebalances the thermoregulation, in this way it counteracts nighttime hyper-perspiration, daytime hot flashes and the loss of mineral salts.

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