Acne, the homeopathic natural remedies

By Dr. Francesco Candeloro

Acne is an inflammatory disease of the skin that mainly affects the face. It may depend on several factors and worsen during the winter, but it can be cured thanks to homeopathic remedies . Let's find out better.

Stages of acne formation

Causes and symptoms of acne

Juvenile acne - so-called as it arises at puberty and tends to resolve around 20-25 years of age - is an affection of the skin, mainly located on the face and the region of the back, linked to a hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands and to a consequent inflammatory process of the pilosebaceous follicles.

The characteristic lesion, and common to all types of juvenile acne, is the microcomedone, formed from sebum mixed with cells of flaking of the superficial layer of the skin; to its manual pressing, in general, a whitish vermiform body ( pus ) emerges from it. The inflammation of a single blackhead involves the formation of a small, slightly raised and reddened ( papule ) swelling which, when infected, contains decaying organic material ( pustule ).

If the process extends deep, nodules and cysts form, and in this way we come to distinguish vulgar acne in punctata or comedonal, pustular, nodular and cystic .

The cause of the condition is not yet known, although many factors seem to be involved:

  • genetic predisposition
  • increased androgen hormone secretion
  • excessive sebum secretion
  • alterations of intestinal flora
  • excess stress

The disease has a continuous course with phases of deterioration especially in the colder seasons, and improvement following sun exposure. Healing is generally complete in the superficial forms, while scarring of the affected areas can remain in the most aggressive ones.

Acne vulgaris or juvenile must be differentiated from acne rosacea, which is instead a benign manifestation of the skin of the face characterized by couperose, or reddish patches mostly located at the level of the cheekbones and nose, and due to a dilation of the vessels more superficial capillaries. It, unlike acne vulgaris, can affect individuals of any age, ie both young and old.

The most common skin disorders and natural remedies to keep it healthy

Homeopathic remedies for acne

If traditional medicine in general treats juvenile acne with essentially local cures, which alleviate the ailments, but they are unlikely to reverse the problem, passing then, especially in the most severe forms, to even oral therapies, which are however easily burdened with side effects also important, homeopathy, as always, differentiates its therapeutic intervention according to the modality of onset of the disorder, but in all cases it always uses systemic therapies, that is to say aimed at improving overall the functional state of an organism, which is often manifested in surface alterations of internal organs, and mainly of endocrine and gastrointestinal functions.

And so we should distinguish the acneic manifestations of predisposed anatomical constitutions (essentially sulfuric and muriatic) as a simple temporary consequence of states of emotional or intellectual stress, or even of food poisoning ( Arnica, Ignatia, Kali phosporicum, Selenium and Nux vomica remedies more useful in these cases) from decidedly more chronic and persistent situations, which can be effectively cured only through a global approach to the person, capable of identifying the overall functional imbalance that, in youth and adolescence, is still simply on a constitutional basis.

Useful remedies in this phase will therefore be: Sulfur, Hepar Sulfur, Natrum Muriaticum, Sulfur iodatum and Iodum ; their different indication will depend on individual and subtle differences that will include among other things: the location of the lesions, the appearance, the type of sensitivity or insensitivity of the same, the incidence, on their presentation, of the different climatic conditions and seasons.

In a later and evolutionary phase, on the other hand, when above all suppressive pharmacological interventions will further complicate the clinical picture, favoring the onset of nodular and cystic forms, we should move on to using homeopathic remedies able to cure even more complicated general conditions, including which we remember in particular Pulsatilla, Silicea and Thuja .

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