Hiatal hernia: diet and proper nutrition

The hiatal hernia is the dislocation of the stomach or of a part of it above the diaphragm ; it can be slipping, paraesophageal or mixed. Often it is not diagnosed because it does not give symptoms or the symptoms are not specific, which means that the symptoms are common to those of many other disorders: headache after eating, diarrhea, burning and heaviness in the stomach, regurgitation, poor digestion.

Cardiac rhythm alterations caused by vagal stimulation or compression on the pericardium by the hernia may also occur. However, when the hiatal hernia gets complicated with reflux esophagitis the symptoms can be more severe and include bleeding and stenosis of the esophagus.

Dietary rules and diet to combat hiatal hernia

Diet to reduce hiatal hernia symptoms, especially when associated with gastroesophageal reflux, must be balanced and be associated with a healthy lifestyle.

Here are the main hygiene rules to follow:

  • Do not smoke ;
  • If you are overweight, lose weight with the help of a specific diet and a constant physical activity appropriate to your state of health;
  • Eat little and often, avoiding large meals, especially in the evening. It is also a good idea to avoid lying down after eating and therefore avoid the afternoon nap and allow at least two or three hours between meals and the time to go to sleep;
  • Chew slowly
  • Avoid certain foods that promote reflux and acidity

The foods to avoid

A correct diet for hiatal hernia requires that some foods are consumed in moderation or, in the most serious cases, when the hiatal hernia is complicated by reflux esophagitis, almost totally avoided.

Those suffering from hiatal hernia should reduce the consumption of all foods and beverages that can induce reflux and therefore alcohol, including wine and beer; chocolate; mint; all foods too rich in fat.

A good diet for hiatal hernia avoids the intake of foods and drinks that irritate the esophageal mucosa and therefore of tomatoes, coffee and citrus fruits. It is also advisable to avoid drinks with added carbon dioxide.

Obviously, before limiting or even excluding one or more of the foods and drinks listed from your diet, you need to ask your doctor's advice .

Here are the causes and remedies of hiatal hernia in pregnancy

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