Amma: the hug guru

We talk about it with Leonie Astrid, a Dutch painter and illustrator of Indonesian descent who, having gone to India in search of yoga classes, has been connected with Amma for years and returns to her ashram regularly. An open heart and a peaceful mind, Leonie agreed to answer our questions.

First of all, tell us: when you first heard about Amma and the effect the first hug made to you

I found out about Amma for the first time through a friend. I wanted to go to India to practice yoga and she told me about a hatha yoga course in Amma's ashram.

I had no intention of planning the whole trip to India in advance, so I decided to start with this first stage and then evaluate it after experiencing that place. In reality I was not interested and I didn't even intend to meet Amma, but in the end it happened and this changed my life unexpectedly .

It happened the next day at my first darshan (hug) that I felt something new wake up in me . I felt a great desire to put myself at the service, to serve Amma, to serve others, to serve nature, to serve the divine. I realized the meaning of Svaha within me. From that moment the purpose of my life became clearer . I still remember those days as the most beautiful of my life. Days of bliss, bright and full of joy.

Why do you think so many people from different countries, cultures and social backgrounds want to meet Amma?

The values ​​that Amma teaches and embodies are universal and have a hold on everyone. They are beyond all religion and culture. Amma repeats that love is her religion, and the love that constantly and endlessly emanates from her is perceived by the hearts of people all over the world. He knows no barriers. I believe he has embraced more than 36 million people around the world. Incredible right?

What are the activities related to your name?

There are so many things in the world that Amma gives life to ... She's not just a spiritual teacher and a mother to many, she also takes care of charitable activities through an organization called Embracing the World . Through it it provides help to people in need in the form of food, shelter, medical aid, education . It also invests a lot in the care of the environment and in research.

Can you tell us a few episodes of his personal life that particularly touched and inspired you?

I read his biography, which is highly inspiring, but what impressed me the most was seeing her and watching her work. Embrace people with so much love, one after the other, and each in a different way. His face changes every second, with so many profound expressions.

Just seeing her sit for hours and hours day after day, show her infinite love for the people who come to her ... for me this is incredible. Every moment of his life can inspire . Every moment and every gesture is truly fascinating.

How does Amma's Ashram work? What can you find there?

My experience of Amma's ashram is that of a small society where everything works exactly as it should, according to the dharma. Being there makes me see more clearly the reason for what happens to me, even the small things that normally appear insignificant, so I can understand what is the best way to react and through this rapid process one can grow and learn in a short time.

Being in the ashram is like being in the fire, its heat is very pleasant, like a hot bath, but at the same time it requires you to proceed. In addition there is a given routine, with Amma's darshans, meditations, Bahians, service, satsang, pujas and many other activities and courses that can be done. Everyone is free to participate according to their needs and aspirations .

In the midst of the complex landscape of gurus and divinities of the Indian wisdom tradition, which is in your opinion the place that belongs to Amma?

I do not have a sufficiently profound knowledge of the Indian tradition to place Amma, but for me it is beyond this kind of parallels. It is not possible to understand who he really is and what he really does, so I wonder how it is possible to find some place. Amma says that her religion is love. I only know that it is unique .

What advice would you give a person interested in experiencing Amma's hug?

Only to go in person to meet her, and not to be distracted by everything that happens around her and all the people around her. Have an open attitude.

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