Essential oil of camphor: an essence for the winter

The essential oil of camphor is used in aromatherapy mainly for its anti-inflammatory and balsamic properties that are used in case of rheumatic pains, muscle tears and diseases of the respiratory system.

At one time it was thought to calm sexual desires, so the monks, to better observe the vow of chastity, wore a little bag hung around their necks.

The characteristics of camphor essential oil

From the peculiar acrid and pungent odor and straw-yellow color the essential camphor oil is obtained, by steam distillation, from the bark of Cinnamomum camphora, belonging to the Lauraceae family. This evergreen tree can live up to 200 years and reaches a height of 25 30 meters. It has a thick crown, leathery leaves and white flowers that come together to form panicle inflorescences located at the axil of the leaves. The fruits are red colored drupes.

From the wood of the plant the raw camphor is obtained (in the form of crystals soluble in alcohol and oil) which is then refined by successive sublimations. This tree grows in China and Japan, but is also common in India, Indonesia and Ceylon; it is grown in areas with a mild Mediterranean climate.

Properties, use and contraindications of camphor

Camphor oil: properties and use

Camphor oil is characterized by a top note, ie it is a very volatile essence with a high and thin vibration, composed mainly of safrole, camphor, pinene and azulene with anti-inflammatory, stimulant and antiseptic and vasoconstrictor properties . Thanks to these substances, there are numerous applications of this essential oil: in case of fever cooling illnesses, sports injuries, circulatory weakness, rheumatism, angina pectoris, states of shock and skin disorders.

- Massage oil to relieve muscle pain : Diluted in sweet almond oil, it can be massaged on bruises, bruises, sprains, cramps or muscle tension. For this reason ointments and preparations based on camphor essential oil are commercially available. Using it for muscle massages before doing sports will be an extra help to prevent venous problems and muscle tension. Use this oil to massage the painful area two or three times a day, making it absorb completely .

- Balsamic ointment for the respiratory tract : In case of cough and cold to prepare a balm that promotes breathing, mix 50 ml of shea butter with 5 drops of camphor oil, 3 drops of essential eucalyptus oil and 3 of essential oil by niaouly. This balm performs an effective mucolytic and decongestant action on the respiratory tract.

- Bath for rheumatic pains : In case of rheumatic complaints, pour 10 drops of essential camphor oil into the bathtub and stay immersed for about 20 minutes, to take advantage of its stimulating action on the circulation. Then rest in a warm place so as not to over-strain the circulatory system.

- Lotion for oily, acne and pimply skin: to 200 ml of distilled water add 8 drops of essential oil of Camphor. Mix and wet sterile gauze tablets to put on the areas affected by acne or boils (to be changed as soon as they are heated). Continue for at least a quarter of an hour.

- Pesticide: put 4-5 drops of essential Camphor oil on a cotton pad and place it in the cabinets and drawers, to keep away moths and insects

Contraindications : Like many essential oils the essence of camphor is toxic at high dosage, not to use in pregnancy or by subjects with epileptic tendency.

You can learn more about the properties and contraindications of camphor essential oil

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