We discover the fifth chakra: Vishudda

Vishudda : color and shape of the chakra

The color associated with Vishudda is blue . The fifth chakra is located in the throat area, at the intersection of the bones of the clavicle, with the vertex in the third cervical vertebra (C3).

The corresponding organs are: the trachea, the throat, the vocal cords, the nose, the ears, the endocrine glands of the thyroid and partiroids.

The corresponding meaning is hearing .

S ignored of the chakra

Vishudda in Sanskrit means "pure".

Its main functions are communication, creative expression, diplomacy and sincerity .

The associated keyword is IO COMUNICO.

Vishudda is related to the element ether and the energy of sound and contains the ability to listen to oneself and others, to express one's thoughts and emotions through the voice and all other types of language. Language is associated with the action of living one's own creative side, it allows one to create new structures and to relate them in order to organize the flow of consciousness. The fifth chakra leads us to transcend our limits and to create new possibilities and new opportunities, to become the creators of our reality, the main actors of our personal revolution.

With the energy of Vishudda we are able to feel and recognize the perfect rhythm that connects us with the Universe and with ourselves. Communicating means participating in the community, making contact with others using the vibration of the heart of the fourth chakra. By developing our love for life and using emptiness, the ethereal space that is also the absence of judgment, we manage to express ourselves in such a way as to be understood, to establish relationships and to unite through our thoughts, our words and our actions.

Vishudda asks us for awareness and responsibility with regard to our needs and our inner rhythms, to master ourselves and develop mental elasticity at the same time, to come out of our ego and enter the dimension of consciousness and expansion towards others. The fifth chakra when in balance gives a sweet voice, a diplomatic attitude and tact in approaching people with consideration and generosity: everything he says goes straight to the heart and the individual acquires charisma and magnetism.

Dismantle of the Vishudda chakra

The disharmonic functioning of Vishudda can lead to diseases of the respiratory tract (colds, sinusitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis), otitis disorders of the thyroid, hearing problems, cervical stiffness.

If there is excessive functioning of this chakra, on a physical level it may be difficult to swallow, sore throat, hyperthyroidism, recurrent aphonia, ear infections, lack of balance, dizziness, pain in the jaws and tension in the neck and shoulders .

Instead on the psychological level the individual manifests prolixity, incapacity of synthesis and listening to the next, extreme speed of speech, impulsiveness, impatience and hyperactivity: it is characterized by anger, pride and a sense of superiority, dogmatism, authoritarianism and fanaticism.

On the other hand, if there is insufficient functioning, hypothyroidism, stress, chronic throat infections can be found on the physical plane .

On the psychological side, the individual will not be able to reflect on his own emotions, he will be afraid of speaking, difficulties in expressing himself and pulling out the voice, he will show shyness and will feel that he does not have the right to say and listen to the truth, denying the right to exist to one's inner self. The tendency is to escape from social contact, to close oneself up in the mental world, to trust no one and to be a liar with oneself and others. Not having enough self-esteem to believe his intuitions, he is characterized by indifference, laziness, introversion and opposition to change.

How to rebalance the chakra

To rebalance the fifth chakra, the simplest solution is to perform a meditation sitting upright with eyes closed, keeping the crystals in contact with the skin in the throat area.

You can use rock crystals to enhance the effect of the stones, holding them in your hand or placing them in a circle around the body, with the points pointing towards the center. Drain and rinse the stones under cold water after use.

The stones related to the fifth chakra are : aquamarine, blue agate, amazonite, azurite, blue chalcedony, blue calcite, celestine, chrysocolla, lapis lazuli, opal, sodalite, turquoise, sapphire.

Are you curious to also discover the properties and benefits of the stones?

There are also sounds combined with the chakras that can also be used as an accompaniment for meditation and / or to perform a gentle and circular massage in a clockwise direction (at the base of the skull and at the center of the neck hollow) with 20 ml of sesame oil and a few drops of specific essential oils for the fifth chakra.

The essential oils related to the fifth chakra are:

  • laurel essential oil
  • chamomile essential oil,
  • essential oil of eucalyptus,
  • essential oil of lavender.

Chromotherapy, ayurvedic massage (especially Keralan pranico) and some yoga or tai chi chuan techniques are also excellent.

Finally, there are specific exercises to bring the chakras back into balance; these are movements codified in ancient times known as the 5 Tibetan exercises, intrinsically linked to the chakra doctrine.

Discover the names and characteristics of all the other chakras

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