Natural cosmetics for dry skin

Dry skin is not very elastic, thin and wrinkled. In natural cosmetics there are several remedies and tricks to take care of them. Let's find out better.

Causes of dry skin

Dry skin tends to dehydrate easily and after cleansing "pulls", especially in contact with water. Water is tightly bound to proteins or associated with lipids located between epidermal cells; the lack of fat as well as being the cause of a lower presence of water, also favors evaporation.

The main causes of skin dryness depend on a low amount of fat to be attributed to an endocrine influence of a hormonal nature, the removal of the hydrolipidic film with cleansing and the use of drugs. Dry skin is particularly delicate and sensitive because it lacks an adequate protective barrier. If it is not protected, the stratum corneum flakes off and the skin cracks.

In the case of dry skin it is useful to prefer natural fluid detergents to better dilute the degreasing agents making them less aggressive, while after cleaning it is necessary to hydrate with greasy or hygroscopic substances such as hyaluronic acid, collagen and vegetable elastin .

Alcohol, which dehydrates and substances that are too acidic or too alkaline, which could cause itching and irritation, should be avoided.

Various types of dry skin

Dry skin can be alipid or dehydrated. Due to the reduced secretion by the sebaceous glands, the alipidic skin has a low fat content in its hydro-lipid film, which inadequately performs its function as a barrier against water loss from the deeper layers.

This type of skin is rare and may depend on constitutional and hereditary factors or on the decrease in the activity of the sebaceous glands that occurs starting from the menopause .

The activity of the sebaceous glands can also be inhibited by antiandrogenic drugs, some diuretics and Vitamin A derivatives.

On the other hand, dry dehydrated skin is a skin that contains little water on the surface or in the dermis, where the cells retain less liquid than they should. In fact, fibroblasts (which produce collagen and elastin) and the fundamental substance are present in the dermis; this is similar to a compound gel whose most well-known component is hyaluronic acid .

The fundamental substance gives plasticity and firmness to the tissues and is partly responsible for the deep hydration of the skin, since it is a hydrophilic substance capable of binding with water and retaining it. When fibroblast activity decreases, the skin may appear dehydrated, poorly toned and inelastic.

The decrease in fibroblast activity may depend on age, as the glandular activity decreases over time, or may be caused by constitutional factors that give rise to premature fibroblast aging, or to a malfunction of the liver, kidneys or thyroid.

If the dryness is superficial and does not take place in the dermis, the remedies and treatments are more likely to succeed and the causes can also be environmental, and the skin may be dry due to lack of humidity in the air (for example in heated rooms), for too cold and for the wind, which increases the evaporation of water.

Nutrition also plays a fundamental role for the skin: in the case of dry skin it is very important to hydrate the body from the inside, taking water, fruit and vegetables, but also proteins, since some amino acids take part in the formation of collagen and hydro-lipid film of the skin.

You can learn more about natural food supplements for healthy skin

What are the cosmetics for dry skin

Soaps, aggressive detergents and solvents dehydrate the skin and remove all or part of the hydro-lipid film on the stratum corneum. Therefore, in the case of dry skin, soaps and syndets (soaps-not soaps) should not be used; cleansing for facial cleansing should be carried out with mild degreasing emulsions and physiological pH. Alcoholic tonics should also be avoided and washing should not be too frequent.

If the skin tends to flake, it is possible to perform light exfoliation which makes the skin more uniform and smooth and better receptive with regard to moisturizing, nourishing and regenerating products.

The cream to be applied after facial cleansing has the purpose of reconstructing and replenishing the hydro-lipid film of the stratum corneum therefore it must contain water, moisturizing substances, amino acids, vitamins, vegetable oils and sebum-like fats capable of carrying the active ingredients to the epidermis and create a barrier that slows water evaporation.

Moisturizing masks based on hyaluronic acid, collagen and mucilage are also useful.

Acting on several fronts to counteract skin dryness and choosing cosmetic products suitable for one's skin it is possible to achieve significant improvements and have a more toned, elastic and healthy skin.


No more dry skin with hyaluronic acid

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