Sorghum flour, properties and use

Curated by Maria Rita Insolera, Naturopath

Sorghum flour is a food rich in nutrients, very digestible because it is gluten-free and useful in the diet to control diabetes. Let's find out better.

How to make Sorghum flour

Sorghum is a cereal belonging to the Gramineae family . The one intended for human consumption is the Sorghum vulgare . Its appearance is similar to that of corn.

Sorghum flour is obtained from sorghum seeds, has a white-yellowish color, and is used mostly in the production of bread . Its particular characteristic is that it is able to absorb moisture from the surrounding environment.

Properties and use of Sorghum flour

Sorghum flour is rich in essential nutrients for the body, such as: niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, magnesium, iron, copper, calcium, phosphorus and potassium.

Sorghum flour is useful:

  • for the digestive system and to aid digestion ;
  • for feeding diabetic patients and for controlling blood insulin and glucose levels;
  • for the food of celiacs (because without gliadin);
  • for the health of bones and red blood cells.

Moreover, sorghum flour also contains antioxidant substances, useful against free radicals and in the prevention and fight against cancer.

Thanks to the high magnesium content, sorghum flour facilitates the absorption of calcium, thus helping in the prevention of arthritis and osteoporosis.

Sorghum must be macerated in water before being consumed due to the cyanide acid which is released from durrina, a substance contained in sorghum, and which can have a toxic and fatal effect.

Sorghum among gluten-free cereals: discover the others

Sorghum flour products

Sorghum flour assumes great importance in bread making . It is used for the production of sweetened brioche, biscuits, bread and crêpe.

Sorghum flour is a flour not subject to leavening, it is therefore used in various countries (Africa, South Asia and Central America) to make a flat bread, very similar to piadine.

A recipe up your sleeve

This is the recipe for a savory pie with sorghum flour, very digestible because it is gluten-free.

Ingredients for the base:

  • 140 g of whole sorghum flour,
  • 50 g of cornstarch,
  • 50 g of millet flour,
  • 70 g of sunflower oil,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • 80 g of water.

Ingredients for the filling:

  • 1 stick of natural tofu,
  • 2 tablespoons of pesto,
  • 20 cherry tomatoes, basil and dried oregano to taste
  • extra virgin olive oil to taste

Preparation :

With the help of a mixer, combine the sorghum flour with the oil, salt, millet and cornstarch, working the ingredients until the mixture is grainy. Then join the aqua and continue working.

The result will be a very soft dough with which to line a mold of about 24 cm² in diameter, previously floured. Given the consistency of the dough, it is good to help yourself with your hands to spread it directly in the mold.

In a blender, work the tofu with the pesto and a little water until you get a cream to spread in the mold. Cover with the halved cherry tomatoes, salt, pepper, basil and oregano. Bake in preheated oven at 200 ° C for 40 minutes.

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