Kidney stones: symptoms, causes, all remedies

Kidney stones are inorganic material especially calcium from concentrated starches, which forms concretions in the kidneys. The male population is three times more likely than women to develop urinary tract stones. A diet rich in salt and more generally of sodium increases the urinary excretion of calcium and reduces the pH of urine and the excretion of citrate, thus favoring the formation of renal calcium oxalate stones.

An image of kidney stones

Symptoms of kidney stones

The symptoms of kidney stones can be very variable. The pain can come when the calculus moves into the urinary tract, obstructing the flow of urine. Sometimes the painful cramp can get to involve the back and hips, extending towards the groin area.

If the stone cannot pass easily, the muscles of the ureter contract to push it towards the bladder. The pain becomes more intense and blood can appear in the urine. The subject may have the feeling of needing to urinate more frequently and may feel burning during urination.

Other symptoms may be fever, chills, nausea and vomiting.

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Causes of kidney stones

There are many factors that contribute to the formation of kidney stones. Among these, the most common are:

  • Supply. A diet rich in foods containing oxalates, such as spinach, beets, chocolate, black tea, or taking vitamin C and D supplements, can be a possible cause of stone formation.
  • Reduced supply of liquids. Drinking a little water favors the deposition of calcium oxalates in the urinary tract.
  • Citrates and vitamin B deficiency; of magnesium and enzymes that protect the urinary tract.
  • Genetic and / or hormonal factors.
  • Excess sodium, which induces an increase in calcium concentration.
  • Intestinal dysmismisms.
  • Short bowel syndrome.


The diagnostic techniques used to make the diagnosis are:

  • Ultrasound, able to identify possible dilations of the kidney and urinary tract or the very presence of stones in the renal cavities.
  • Radiography, which is not effective in the case of uric acid or cystine stones (transparent to X-rays) or the proximity of the calculi with the skeletal system.
  • Urography (or pyelography ), a more sophisticated examination that uses a contrast medium to precisely locate the position and nature of the calculation.
  • The TAC spiral, effective and decisive with respect to any doubts.

The therapeutic approach to urinary calculosis depends on the size of the calculus and where it is located in the kidneys. In general, a specific diet should be adopted to combat kidney stones.


Feeding to counter kidney stones

In kidney stones the first indication is to drink a lot of mineral water. The classic indications of drinking at least 2 liters of water per day cannot be considered appropriate for everyone because in predisposed subjects they could lead to unnecessary kidney fatigue. The water to be taken concerns, in addition to the aforementioned, especially the vegetation water contained in diuretic foods : fish, rice, onion (excellent in kidney drainage can be used in all its forms: raw, added to salads, boiled, grilled, au gratin, in omelette, etc.), raw and cooked chicory, raw and cooked fennel, celery, cucumbers, Belgian endive, agretti, asparagus, radishes, chicory, raw artichokes, raw cabbage, uncooked cauliflowers seasoned, pineapple, strawberries, tangerines, melons, watermelon, peach, grapes, cooked and raw apples, raspberries, bananas.

Among the useful foods to counter kidney stones there is also the alchechengi whose acids contained in the fruit are able to prevent the formation of kidney stones and to help dissolve existing ones.

Foods containing calcium and oxalates, such as cheese and tomatoes, and all antidiuretic foods should be avoided : meat, pasta, spinach, cooked cauliflower, cooked cabbage, beets, courgettes, turnips, broccoli, broccoli, aubergines, peppers, cooked artichokes, radicchio, pears, pomegranates, persimmons, apricots, plums, figs, cherries, avocado, papayas, citrus fruits.

Instead, foods such as coral beans that have purifying properties for the kidneys are recommended, and may be a good alternative to diuretics in cases of arterial hypertension or water retention.

In the acute attack of renal colic it is possible to alleviate the spasm by using a light and not very sweet chamomile (prefer cane sugar) drunk in sips during painful contraction.

You can deepen your diet to prevent and fight kidney stones

Herbal remedies for kidney stones

For kidney stones are excellent l and ononide roots ( Ononis spinosa ) , the stone breaker leaves ( Phyllanthus niruri ) and the aerial parts of the parietaria ( Parietaria officinalis ) are able to break up mineral formations; keep the bacterial rates within normal values ​​in the genitourinary tract and relax the smooth muscles of the urinary tract, so as to facilitate the expulsion of the stones in a less painful way. These plants also have antiseptic properties against possible urinary and diuretic infections; while the stigmas of maize ( Zea mays ) have analgesic action of painful symptomatology in diseases of the urinary tract, therefore it is advisable as an adjuvant against kidney stones (uric, oxalic and phosphate), favors the elimination of crystals and small kidney stones through diuresis, while also reducing the inflammatory phenomena of the urinary tract. All can be taken in herbal teas, mother tinctures or dried extracts.

Among the gemmoderivati ​​we recall the Faggio ( Fagus sylvatica ) used as a renal drainage in dysmetabolie and in renal lithiasis, together with Betulla ( Betula Verrucosa linfa ).

Bach flowers for kidney stones

Physical pathologies such as the production of renal or biliary calculi are not treated directly with Bach Flowers: these remedies act mainly on the emotional state, which leads to the manifestation of a certain disorder.

However, flower therapy can assist the pharmacological one, intervening on psychic imbalances linked to the formation of aggregates of cholesterol or mineral or thickened bile, which are deposited in the bile ducts and in the gall bladder. These organs get blocked due to something that always reflects an excess, too much (too much fat, too many toxins, etc.). The disease is an expression of the fact that the individual ingests more than he can process and therefore manifests itself in the event of immoderation, excessive expansionist desires and ideals that are too high.

On the other hand, fear is connected to the kidney: the accumulation of fears or hard thoughts towards oneself can give rise to the formation of calculations. The personalized mixtures will have to take into account these analogies to modify character attitudes or negative emotions, in order to favor the physical healing of the disorder.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

In traditional Chinese medicine the Kidneys (Shen) are combined with the Water Movement and simultaneously are the original site of Water but also of Fire. For this reason the texts speak of Rene Yin and Rene Yang.

The Kidneys are home to the Jing, they produce the marrow, they fill the brain, they control the bones. They also receive vital energy from the Lungs, are the backbone of the body and manifest themselves in the general vitality of the hair (although there is caution in interpreting this data, which may depend on factors unrelated to renal energy).

Aromatherapy for kidney stones

In aromatherapy, the use of essential oils with an anti-inflammatory action can help soothe the painful component of this disorder. These oils can be diluted (5-7 drops) in a little almond oil or other vegetable oil and applied directly to the skin at the kidneys and massaged until absorbed.

  • Chamomile essential oil : helps to relax tense muscles, due to nervousness, irritable bowel, spasms, colitis and gas colic of newborns. Gives benefit for menstrual pains and for those caused by the expulsion of the stones by the body. its use is mostly due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Essential oil of lavender: it is one of the essential oils most used in the therapy of pain caused by muscle spasms, dysmenorrhea, stones, due to its spasmolytic and anti-inflammatory action.
  • Rosemary essential oil: it is effectively used as a powerful anti-inflammatory, if massaged, it reduces arthritic and muscular pains, dissolves uric acid and crystals that harden the epidermal tissues forming edemas, swelling and water retention, muscle pains, and colics and colic biliary tract.


We always advise you to rely on your trusted homeopath, because kidney stones should not be underestimated at all. In the presence of kidney stones, in homotoxicology, it is preferable to use Pareira brava D3, in preparation associated with Cantharis D5, Acidum nitricum D4 and Plumbum aceticum D6 . The dosage is one tablet 3 times a day for a month. This is associated with a useful remedy to control any ongoing inflammatory processes, namely Berberis diluted several times and associated with Colocynthis and Veratrum album for spasms and colic).

Usually the administration includes 10 drops of each of the medicines 3 times a day for no more than 4 weeks.

Exercises in case of kidney stones

Movement and constant training are essential to prevent kidney stones, especially if there are factors such as heredity, genetics and / or predisposition. Constant sporting activity is recommended, without reaching high intensity, especially for subjects predisposed to kidney stones; some endurance sports (running, walking, triathlon, etc.) when pushed to excess (for example more than 70-80 km a week) favor the turn-over of football (faster bone remodeling) and therefore add up as factors other than the predisposing ones.

But what really makes the difference is hydration . Especially when you sweat a lot, you need to drink to replenish the lost salts.

It seems banal, ironic and useless, but here is the first real remedy for safeguarding kidney function: rethinking evacuation as a ritual, taking all the time necessary. It is important to discharge the bowel at least once a day. In this sense, also to give relief to the abdominal area, all the movement therapies that involve the diaphragm and the pelvic floor in phases of relaxation and awareness are welcome.

If you love to dedicate yourself to yoga techniques, choose asanas that facilitate the elimination of toxins such as the famous Bhujamgàsana or cobra position (which, in addition to the kidneys, also tones ovaries and uterus) or partial Makiasana or rest of the crocodile.


Did you know that excess vitamin C can cause kidney stones

Other articles on kidney stones:

> Hot food in plastic dishes can promote kidney stones

> Lemon juice against colic and calculations

> Kidney stones: here is a help from naturopathy

With the collaboration of Veronica Pacella for nutrition, Alessandra Romeo for phytotherapy, flower therapy, aromatherapy

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