Goldenrod: properties, use and contraindications

Curated by Maria Rita Insolera, Naturopath

The goldenrod is an officinal plant with a diuretic and anti-inflammatory action, useful against water retention, cellulite, gout and hyperuricemia. Let's find out better.




Properties of the golden rod

The properties of the golden rod are diuretic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, decongestant. The Goldenrod contains the following active ingredients: saponins, flavonoids, polyphenols, polysaccharides, tannins, essential oil, resins, bitter principles, mucilage that give the plant a purifying and anti - inflammatory action on the urogenital apparatus and possess, moreover, a remarkable diuretic effect.

Its diuretic and purifying action makes it useful in the presence of water retention, cellulite, gout and hyperuricemia.

The golden rod can be considered an excellent blood purifier thanks to its property of increasing the volume of urine and eliminating the waste of nitrogen and uric acids.

The golden rod can be considered a valid and excellent "blood purifier" . The goldenrod has an anti-inflammatory and spasmolytic action which makes it a valid remedy in the treatment of urinary tract diseases and in the prevention of kidney stones, as well as in the prevention of diseases affecting the urinary tract.

Method of use

The leaves and tops that bloom between July and October are used for the medicinal purposes of the golden rod . It can be used in the form of decoction, infusion, syrup and mother tincture.

The herbal tea is prepared by infusing 3-5 g of grass in 150 ml of boiling water for 15 minutes. Drink 2-4 cups a day. The herbal tea can also be used as a mouthwash in case of inflammation of the mouth .

The mother- of-gold tincture is useful for the physiological function of the urinary tract. Thanks to the active ingredients present, the golden rod is an excellent natural anti-inflammatory useful for the following indications: urinary infections and inflammations, uric calculosis, prostatic hypertrophy, enteritis and enterocolitis. In the presence of such disorders the dosage of the mother tincture is 10-40 drops, 2-3 times a day.

Contraindications of the golden rod

The goldenrod has no contraindication to therapeutic doses, except for individual hypersensitivity. Do not use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

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Description of the plant

The golden rod ( Solidago virgaurea ) is a perennial plant belonging to the Asteraceae family . It is 10 to 60 cm high, with a smooth, erect and cylindrical, dark-colored stem.

The leaves are opposite, oval and slightly petiolate. The yellow flowers are very aromatic. The fruit is a cylindrical achene.

Habitat of the golden rod

The goldenrod grows in the mountain areas, in the bushes, in fallow lands and in the woods. It is a plant typical of the cold temperate zones of Asia and Europe.


The name of the golden rod derives from the Latin solidus (solid, strong) and agere (operate, render) and refers to the healing properties of the plant, the main reason for its fame in antiquity, while today its tropism for kidneys is more exploited and urinary tract.

In the Middle Ages the Verga d´oro was very much in demand to cure wounds of cut, drunk in herbal tea or spread in ointment.

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