Natural health professions

How do you become a naturopath, an acupuncturist, a homeopath, etc.? What are the mandatory and optional but useful steps to have a professional profile? What does the exercise of a certain profession actually consist of?

Natural health by profession

What difference does it make between the nutritionist, the dietician and the dietitian? What does the homotoxicologist do and what are the abilities of the homeopath? Is the acupuncturist a doctor? How much does the Pilates teacher study? How is the competence of an osteopath different from that of a physiotherapist? Let's explore this world thoroughly, from profession to profession, to understand the professions of natural health .

It is very important to understand how certification and recognition of certain professional figures in Europe and in Italy work, because it is said that the Italian Legislator is always slower than other realities.

These professions tend to balance the person through a relationship of deep trust between therapist and patient. Knowing oneself is also knowing one's limits. To deal with a doctor or therapist, a fortiori, means relying on experts who will be such, but will always have limits as human beings.

The same patience and care that you put in listening to your symptoms, in understanding the nature of the body, try to adopt it also in the relationship with those who care for you. It is a real work on the predisposition that, in the long run, can give excellent effects on your natural well-being.

Our cards on natural health professions

This section shows which training course is planned to specialize, offering a useful overview both to those who feel the need for a consultation but do not know which professionalism to turn to, and to those who want to check if a certain operator has the right cards to exercise the profession.

Care is based on listening and skills. It is an art that is refined and accompanied by technique. However, it is important to clarify all the aspects at the regulatory level because these figures are often lacking in recognition. Take naturopathy. The naturopath is not a doctor. But if it is true that in other countries this figure has its own regulation, in Italy the resolutions of the European Parliament (1997) and of the Council of Europe (1999) have been disregarded, which provide for the harmonization of the member countries with respect to the figures not Medical Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAM) and the strategic plan on NCMs of the World Health Organization (2002) has never been adopted.

And we could talk about many other professional figures. More delicate still becomes the field of the energy sector, coma in the case of pranotherapy or reiki. These are all approaches to pain and illness that revolutionize the very concept of disorder and open up new possibilities for knowledge of the body and deepening self-healing.

We intend to explain in detail the various professional figures because we believe that there is a possible integration between allopathic medicine and natural health professions . At a general level, there is a strong need to rethink the treatment, in an extended sense, also by re-evaluating holistic medicine, natural therapies and those deriving from millenary traditions, as in the case of ayurvedic medicine or traditional Chinese medicine.

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