White Light Essences, Australian spiritual essences

Curated by Daniela Galbiati, naturopath

The White Light Essences are part of the repertoire of Australian Bush flower essences and are spiritual essences, little known and little used by us. Spiritual essences are a true spiritual journey, one of deepening oneself and one's own research and spiritual evolution. Along with the White Light Essences, for healing and cleaning at the soul level, there are also the Light Frequency Essences that work at the level of our divine essence or 'Higher Self'. Let's find out what the White Light Essences are.


What are the White Light Essences

The White Light Essences are environmental essences . They were created in sacred places, in different parts of the world, with the aim of improving aspects of the spirituality of those who use them, helping to explore and understand their own spiritual sphere.

They favor spiritual research and access to the spiritual realm and to that of Nature in relation to our personal dimension.

The White Light Essences have better efficacy if taken one at a time, starting with Water Essence, the Water Element that cleans, purifies, drains the 'emotional terrain' to foster a better growth experience and subsequent Elements.

The essence chosen must be taken for a period of about two weeks, at the end of which it is possible to repeat the assumption of the same essence or to start a new essence.

Preparation and use

Put 7 drops of Essence in a 15 ml vial, (or 14 drops in 30 ml.), With two thirds of pure water and a third of brandy, as a preservative.

7 drops are taken in the morning and evening, under the tongue, for a period of about two weeks.

White Light Essences: Water Essence (Water)

The Water Essence was created by an alchemical fusion of two essences, one for each of the two terrestrial hemispheres, the North and the South. One was prepared on the island of Iona, along the west coast of Scotland, and the other on Heron Island of the great Australian coral reef.

This Essence allows one to intensely experience one's own emotional disharmonies so that they can be purified, rebalanced and released through the correct expression. The essence of water favors the emergence and resolution of deep, ancestral and karmic behavioral models. It will promote not only the liberation and the overcoming of past experiences, but will help to get out of stagnant situations created by traumatic and negative experiences.

It is a particularly nourishing and purifying essence, which encourages us to be more open to receiving and trusting ourselves so as to experience the profound connection with the love of the Spirit, with the spiritual world around us.

The essence also allows us to find inner serenity to fully experience our feelings and achieve a better emotional harmony. It promotes the awareness that everything will be for the best, whatever the challenge we encounter, helping us to overcome emotionally every experience.

This remedy can be indicated for those who feel ready to face important, often difficult life choices .

It is recommended as the first spiritual essence, because by contributing to canceling the wrong perception of one's own limits, it will then be possible to activate the other Essences more deeply.

White Light Essences: Earth Essence (Earth)

This essence was prepared in the sacred cave of Patal Bhuvaneshwar in Northern India, in an area between the heights of the Himalayas, from which the border with Tibet is visible, famous for its exceptional natural beauty, for the religious convictions of the its inhabitants and for its temples, known as "Land of the Gods".

In the ancient Hindu scriptures we refer to the cave and still today there are many traditions linked to it. The essence was created in the waning moon phase, as at this stage of the lunar cycle there is a greater amount of energy returning to the earth.

Earth helps to heal the inner structure and order and is an important remedy for stability and rooting, especially for those who practice intense spiritual activity. The Essence creates a bond of strong respect and reverence towards nature, the ancients, the natural spirits of the earth, the earth itself, the life force, life and its origins.

It also helps Lightworkers to find the motivation and to pursue their goals with clarity and focus, thanks to centering and rooting.

Another quality of the Essence Earth is to create a connection with the Manu of a particular country. The Manus can be assimilated to the Upper Spirit of a particular country and govern all the Spirits of Nature and the Devas of that land.

This connection allows access to the essence or the vibrational quality of that country, even without being physically present in that place, to carry out a spiritual activity in that place.

On an emotional level, Earth helps create stability in personal and sentimental relationships. The difficulty to engage emotionally can be linked to traumas of the past or the absence of a model to be inspired.

The Water Essence, taken first, helping to erase the misperception of one's own limits, sets the stage for the Earth Essence, which allows one to overcome the landmarks and limitations of the past.

Find out also what Light Frequency Essences are and how they work

White Light Essences: Fire Essence (Fire)

The Essence Fire was created in the sacred area known as Kata Tjuta, the aboriginal name of the Olgas Mountains (The Olgas), a rock formation in the National Park in the Northern Territory of Australia, which represents the physical and spiritual center of the country.

The essence contains the passion, creativity and potential of Fire, an element that has always been associated with the ability to burn waste and impurities, especially those of the astral body. The Essence Fire helps to unlock the most sacred part of the individual, leading him to his most ancient source, his ancient and profound knowledge.

When this happens, the person experiences a 'fiery' resolution and determination, he will be inspired and motivated to follow the path of his soul, his own higher destiny. This essence leaves no room for half measures: it is not possible to do anything but evolve .

Before working with this Essence, we must therefore have a clear understanding of our will or not to face an important change. You will have to be ready, in the depths of your heart and soul, to evolve, regardless of the consequences this may have. Only in this way can the Essence perform its function.

Fire should be assumed only after initially working with the Essenza Water, which will prepare the ground and allow the most profound action of the Essence to be experienced. Furthermore, it is recommended to find the correct sound vibration to work with, which will resonate with the person who will take on the Essence. Sound is the intrinsic force of all things and has a very powerful effect on the cellular structure of human beings.

Today we talk much more about the importance of sound frequencies and their effect on our mental and physical health. The sound, along with the use of Water and Fire Essences, is important to unlock the sacred part we have inside.

White Light Essences: Air Essence (Aria)

The Essence Air was created on top of Mount Schafberg, in St Wolfgang, Austria, from the top of which there is a wide view of 14 lakes. Its action is to bring out spirituality with completeness and passion, favoring the transformation of one's own reality in an extremely profound manner.

Prepared literally on top of the world, it can help us to see every problem globally without stopping at the details or the most dramatic sides. At the same time, it increases our control and our inner awareness, allowing us to deal with situations more effectively.

Air Essence produces a feeling of lightness, simplicity and carefree (like air, in fact) and is suitable for those who are subjected to emotional trauma or stress, or to face an important choice because it gives stability, control, independence and balance between intellect and emotionality . It also allows you to experience peace and harmony, knowing that we will always be protected and guided by God and the realm of the spirit.

White Light Essences: Higher Self Essence (Higher Self)

The Higher Self Essence was prepared on March 25, 1999 among the ancient Mayan ruins at Palenque, Mexico. This essence allows us to align and to access the Higher Self, channeling the energy of the highest order to the center of each of us, the place from which it radiates and extends.

Thus it allows a greater balance in one's own spirituality, giving us the possibility of expanding completely.

Since our Higher Self contains all the lives we have lived, this Essence gives us the opportunity to connect to previous incarnations to be able to bring back and recover the energy of whatever is necessary from that past life.

White Light Essences: Devic Essence (Devic Essence)

This essence was created during the summer solstice in the Well Garden of Chalice, in Glastonbury, England, an incredible sanctuary for beauty, serenity and peace. The Pozzo can be traced back to the early Roman period, shortly after the crucifixion of Christ, while the gushing water has always been revered for its purity and its therapeutic powers since the 16th century.

The well is fed by a source of primary water of ferruginous nature, which stains the various channels in which it passes with red, hence the name of Source of Blood. A smaller spring, known as Sorgente Bianca, also flows through the garden, later joining the red one that according to Celtic traditions and folklore symbolize the blood and sweat of Christ.

The essence makes it possible to establish very strong ties with the Devic kingdom, while its spiritual harmonic qualities lead to a level of extreme simplicity and peace. Devic Essence gives a feeling of total uniqueness like being one with everything and worrying less about everyday problems.

It allows us to get in touch and communicate with nature, to listen to the messages that the vegetable kingdom has for us and to put ourselves in harmony with qualities such as the healing coming from the Devic kingdom (of Nature). It helps us understand and exercise responsibility, protection, care and love in our lives with judgment .

The Devic Essence is indicated to appease and calm those who are stressed, restless, stuck or who feel detached. Also useful for those who live relationships in an insecure or obsessive way, with excessive expectations: the essence will help them feel safe.

Furthermore, essence enables us to appreciate the importance of knowing and remembering that we are a soul and we have, and are not, a body. Consequently, it can also be taken into consideration for those close to death, and will be helped to achieve acceptance of a reality beyond ours.

White Light Essences: Angelic Essence

This Essence was created in Peru on the summit of Putucusi, a mountain sacred to the Incas, opposite Machu Pichu. The Incas used this solitary mountain as a center of astronomical observation: from here it was possible to observe without obstacles both at dawn and at sunset for the whole year, and even at night, ideal for their studies on the stars.

Two concentric circles of mountains surround the Putucusi, which rises in the Sacred Valley of the Incas. The first circle of mountains contains the Putucusi itself and includes Machu Pichu, the mysterious orchid-covered ruins that cling to a cliff suspended over the gorge of the Urubamba river.

Throughout our earthly life, angels always try to inspire and increase our awareness on a spiritual level. The Angelic Essence allows us to have a closer contact with the Angelic realm, it helps us to be more open to receive from above the Angelic tones of inspiration, love, awareness, communication, orientation and education, which can lead us to infinite potential in the course of our earthly life.

Angelic brings energy from the sky directly to the earth, uniting heaven and earth. Using this essence we can also invoke the protection of the Angelic type or of a specific Angel. It can also foster a sense of empowerment, especially in relationships and stressful situations, bringing mental clarity. It can alleviate and eliminate the patterns and blocks of the past, allowing us to respond appropriately, rather than just reacting.

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