Diabetes, homeopathic natural remedies

By Dr. Francesco Candeloro

Diabetes is an alteration of glycemic metabolism whose most common forms are type 1 diabetes, or insulin-dependent, and type 2 or non-insulin-dependent diabetes. Let's find homeopathic remedies to cure it.

Causes and symptoms of diabetes

Insulin-dependent diabetes almost always arises in young age, as a result of mechanisms that are still not well defined, leading very early to the destruction of insulin-secreting cells, the hormone that promotes the entry of sugar into cells for metabolic purposes., and that in diabetics presents fasting values, or after meals, particularly high (to be precise: greater than 126 mg / dl in the fasted state and 200 mg / dl two after any meal or after oral glucose loading).

In type 2 diabetes, on the other hand, the pathogenesis of the high concentration of sugar in the blood depends on a different defined mechanism of insulin resistance and very often correlated to an excess of adipose tissue, and therefore to problems of obesity or overweight .

If type 1 diabetes is difficult to cure without replacement therapy, because of its particular pathogenesis, type 2 diabetes is preceded by a typical situation of glucose tolerance that leads to fasting glucose levels between 110 and 126 and after meals between 140 and 200.

In this phase of pre-diabetes, the cornerstones of the therapy are the food diet, designed to reduce excess adipose tissue, and therefore insulin resistance, and physical activity, which has a pro-insulin mechanism, capable of therefore to determine a physiological reduction of glycaemia. However, the difficulty in following an adequate diet, and in respecting the timing and dynamics of physical activity, often entails also in these patients the use of so-called oral anti-diabetic drugs, among which lately, as a first-choice therapy, preference is given to metformin which, unlike other antidiabetics, less frequently poses the risk of transient hypoglycemia, and above all of the progressive depletion of the organic reserves of insulin which, over time, leads to the need, even in these patients, to switch to insulin or replacement therapy.

The need to control glycaemia values, on the other hand, stems from the fact that diabetes has always been considered a sort of silent killer, since it predisposes to atherosclerotic disease of the vessels and therefore to the cardio-cerebrovascular diseases that can derive from it (hypertension, myocardial infarction and stroke), as well as a series of damage from other districts and functions that mostly concern the eyes, the kidneys and the neurovegetative system.

You can learn about proper nutrition in case of diabetes

Homeopathic remedies against diabetes

It is not possible to give a rough indication of homeopathic remedies that can cure diabetes, precisely because in type 1 replacement therapy, or insulin, is absolutely necessary, while in type 2 it is possible to intervene differently depending on the stage of the disease, especially to prevent its gradual transition to that form which, even in this case, may require the use of insulin.

In both cases, however, homeopathy can provide its best services in preventing the consequences of diabetes, the complications of which can be detrimental to different degrees, but still appear to be decidedly aggressive.

Obviously diabetes manifests itself, especially in type 2, in anatomical constitutions that tend to overeating and overweight, or to frank obesity. We are talking about carbonic subjects, which are distinguished by being essentially brief, having a certain joint stiffness and a prevalence of bone over muscle. These individuals from childhood show a tendency to sedentary life, to states of anxiety or inhibition in situations of trials or confrontation, always showing a particular attachment to parental figures, and finding in food a sort of rapid consolation and reassurance to the anxieties and fears, so often disproportionate.

Dieting these individuals, and above all bringing them to perform, with a certain regularity, physical activity, turns out to be an almost always cyclopic enterprise; however a good homeopathic cure in these cases is able to rapidly improve the functional framework of the whole organism, facilitating adherence to better life habits, which can thus soon establish a virtuous circle, capable of modifying not only the laboratory variables for the better, but also that morbid predisposition, which is thus slowed down in its progression.

Finally, with regard to the complications of diabetes, which are often so aggressive, even in this case homeopathy - although we are in an advanced stage of illness - can change this inclination by making the defensive and reparative processes of an organism more effective. of the aggressiveness of diseases just when the former are now largely compromised.


How to treat diabetes with herbal medicine

Other articles on diabetes:

> The 5 useful foods to fight diabetes

> Sweet recipes for those with diabetes

> Diabetes, a naturopathic approach

> Food and diabetes

> Herbs for diabetes

> The sweetness of agave juice even for diabetics

> Diabetes in the 2016 World Health Day

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