Diet and the Adamski method

From time to time, a new diet comes out of nowhere, with more or less utopian promises of lightning loss and other miracles .

In the case of the Adamski diet, it is rather a method, or rather a lifestyle that includes nutrition and natural therapies .

The main purpose of the Adamski method is to improve the well-being of our body .

It could almost be said that weight loss is a "side effect" of the Adamski diet .

Like all lifestyles, you can marry in toto, or try out of curiosity.

We begin to learn about the Adamski diet and method .

Diet and the Adamski method: the diet

As we said, this is not a real diet but rather a diet re-education aimed at improving the digestive work of the gastrointestinal system .

According to Adamski the first results arrive already after 3-4 days.

The Adamski diet focuses on the associations of various foods and drinks ; c laxifies foods above all based on their digestibility, subdividing them into slow- digesting alkaline foods and fast- digesting acidic foods .

In the Adamski method slow foods and fast foods should never be associated with each other so as not to strain the digestive process and risk fermentation.

Fast and acidic foods are considered:

> yogurt ;

> fresh fruit, dehydrated and candied fruit ;

> vegetables such as tomatoes and peppers;

> chilli pepper ;

> honey.

All other foods are considered slow ( non-acidic ), including for example:

> Carbohydrates, namely cereals, bread, pasta, bakery products;

> protein foods such as fish, meat, dairy products;

> all vegetables except tomato and peppers.

There are also neutral foods that accelerate the digestion of both slow and fast foods and are:

> among the vegetables : garlic, shallots, aubergines, capers, onion;

> among the herbs and spices parsley, basil, pepper;

> cow's milk;

> drinks such as coffee, beer, red wine;

> condiments such as oil and vinegar;

> sugar;

> dark chocolate.

No cappuccino or bread and jam, then, and not even pasta with tomatoes or fish with lemon.

So what are the favorite foods from the diet according to the Adamski method ? They are those with beneficial properties for the intestine, namely:

> Raw olive oil and butter (in moderate quantities), which lubricate the intestine;

> fibers, which help intestinal health and regularity

> fresh seasonal fruit to be consumed preferably after 12 noon and before 17.00, when it is considered the best digestible.

How to structure a day according to the Adamski diet

Here is a daily outline of the Adamski diet purely as an example.

If you want to experiment with this diet or lose weight, you can rely on a professional to have your personalized food plan and understand the best way to lose weight based on your needs.

This is a day with the Adamski diet:

> breakfast: bread with hazelnut and tea cream, or yogurt with honey;

> lunch: pasta with pesto, or white rice;

> snack: fresh fruit (before 5 pm);

> dinner: fish or white meat with vegetables.

Diet and the Adamski method: the method

The Adamski method has the name of its creator, the naturopath Frank Laporte Adamski .

It is a lifestyle that is based on the correct combinations of foods throughout the day, with the aim of promoting weight loss but also limiting the appearance of gastro-intestinal disorders such as swelling and heaviness, constipation and reflux as well as joint pain and insomnia.

All these annoyances according to Adamski depend precisely on incorrect combinations of foods.

Adamski believes that our health is based on a clean and fit intestine .

To help this organ function, so that it can benefit the whole organism, it is necessary to know the times of digestion and intake of food throughout the day.

The Adamski method includes not only the diet but also some techniques that support the work of the stomach and intestines .

The techniques include:

> massages: specific visceral massage of internal organs;

> reflexology;

> Romaterapy.

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