Polyglot, the benefits of learning more languages

In a world where distances are reduced, when not zeroed, from the possibility of traveling physically very quickly and doing it virtually by accessing almost unlimited knowledge archives, knowing more languages ​​is now considered normal, while being limited to a single language means having a gear less.

For today's children the world represents an immense and accessible playground to the extent that we know the appropriate languages.

But the benefits of multilingualism and multilingualism are not limited to offering more practical possibilities in life, it seems that the brain of those who learn and master more languages ​​develop more.

Multilingualism and multilingualism

Let's start with a small difference in definition. The term polyglot refers to the individual who can speak several languages, generally at least three, otherwise it is called a bilingual person.

Multilingualism is instead generally referred to places where more languages ​​are currently practiced, such as Ireland where it is communicated in Gaelic and English, Morocco, where alongside the French we have Berber and Maghreb Arabic, or India with its 22 official languages.

Some benefits of polyglotism

We now list a whole series of intellectual benefits derived from speaking multiple languages. First of all we have an increase in the so-called problem solving, or the ability to deal with problems from different angles (lateral thinking).

This is the logical reflection of the fact that through different languages we can define differently the same object or the same fact, with some languages ​​that give more importance to the subject while others give it to the verb; some have strict grammatical structures, while others are more permissive.

Defining in your head a problem in multiple languages ​​means getting more information and therefore more possibilities to solve it. Scientific studies have shown that in the first years of life the ability to learn more languages ​​is greater, and that on average small children do not find particular difficulties in learning up to 4 languages ​​together.

It is rejected that these children are intellectually faster and more agile, and suffer less stress in situations of conflict, ambiguity, and are less subject to Alzheimer's and mental degenerative forms.

It is well known, moreover, that the intellectual quotient derives from both genetic and environmental reasons, even if it is born as genes, the skills must be known to develop with the right tools.

In this sense it is shown that bilingual and polyglot children are on average smarter, more curious and with a higher concentration capacity than monolingual peers.

The opinion in neuroscientists on polyglotism

Several neuroscientists affirm that the brain physically organizes in a different, more complex way, in people who speak multiple languages, with at least 2000 terms known for each language, and in this case language also means potential languages ​​such as dialects, which from this point of view is undoubtedly to be considered a very useful asset to be preserved.

Those who know multiple languages ​​have better learning abilities, better memory, better ability to formulate and reformulate thoughts, a better ability to create connections of ideas and create complex projects, a better ability to identify patterns and systems .

The effort to learn more languages restructures the neuronal connections and makes the gray matter more dense, just as the training effort restructures the muscles making their fiber more toned, stronger and more powerful.

Not only that, learning more languages ​​also implements some cognitive abilities not related to the area of ​​language, especially those called abilities or executive functions, which require attention on various factors simultaneously.

The ability to monitor the various changes is also greater in polyglots, as this is what happens in their daily lives by regularly changing the linguistic register.

Finally, polyglots have a greater aptitude for empathy, as they tend to analyze people based on their language, or their mindset.

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