Bach flowers for despair and discouragement

Everyone happens to plan something and then find himself, after many efforts, stranded and unable to continue.

When we gave everything and we worked hard but we feel we have not arrived at any result.

Discouragement and despair are an aggravation of situations like fear and indecision, just as they can also be the basis. In prolonged treatments with Bach flowers you often have to pass many flowers before reaching the central one, the one that is at the base and that can give a deep help to the suffering person .

The group that contains the Bach flowers useful in case of despair and discouragement includes those flowers that help to regain faith and hope in every situation and after every situation.

Of all the groups there is the one with the most number of flowers : this indicates how often despair and discouragement due to a loss of trust are the basis of many imbalances.

You can use these flowers when the kinesiology test signals them as useful, in those cases where you have often gone beyond your own physical or mental possibilities, because you have worn yourself out internally or externally, when "you can't do it any more" .

Bach flowers for discouragement and despair

The Bach flowers for desperation and discouragement are the following:

  • Crab Apple : each of us has a dark side, a shadow that follows us, sides that we are ashamed of and that we would like to eliminate and from which we would like to purify ourselves. Crab Apple is the flower that allows you to overcome the discouragement that comes from noting that, no matter how much efforts you can make, this shadow remains, latent and ready to peep out in difficult moments . Sometimes you can't get rid of your dark side, other times instead the need for inner or outer cleansing can be crowned with success: in both cases Crab Apple allows you to integrate the sense of purification with love towards yourself ;

  • Elm : it is the flower for those who nurture an excessive sense of responsibility, for those who have great intentions and know how to pursue them constantly. However, it happens that these individuals take the responsibility towards those around them to excess, and being driven by high ideals, the weight of this responsibility becomes urgent. Elm is the flower that helps give a limit to this sense of responsibility that can often embrace all of humanity, and resize its capabilities in a more sustainable individual environment ;

  • Larch : when the sense of failure incists on the sense of inferiority, here is that Larch can help. Larch is the flower that allows a correct evaluation of oneself, without indulging in victimization or pietism, reducing the concept of failure in favor of the more constructive concept of experience ;

  • Oak : it is the flower for those who try incessantly even when everyone else surrenders . This is why it can happen that such a high faith when it collapses digs an abyss of discouragement and despair. To recover the right state of energy and resume striving and trying, to recharge the batteries, you can use Oak : it increases its strength and the right administration ;

  • Pine : it is the flower for those who too often express, with gestures and thoughts, the sense of guilt, for anything, even for events that do not concern them. This sense of guilt leads to punishing oneself . Pine helps to give a correct assessment of oneself, of one's limits but also of one's own responsibilities, lightening the desperation of those who feel responsible for everything that happens in this world;

  • Star of Bethlehem : it is the flower indicated in case of sudden traumas never exceeded, be they also of a distant past . The unbalanced Star of Bethlehem state is a state of profound despair. Star of Bethlehem is one of the flowers that makes up the Rescue Remedy emergency remedy, for its ability to bring comfort ;

  • Sweet Chestnut : is the flower useful for those who feel they have touched the bottom on each level : physical, mental and emotional; when you think you have reached the limit beyond which there is no capacity to endure . Sweet Chestnut in these cases allows the rebirth that often accompanies these moments of profound change;

  • Willow : the typology of person Willow projects his own shadow and his dark side outside : this leads him to be completely discouraged in comparison with the outside world, and he indulges in victimhood and sterile accusations. The Willow flower is useful when it is not possible to integrate one's faults within oneself with loving kindness and acceptance, throwing others at him again, projecting out of oneself an unjust, hopeless and bitter world.

Exhaustion fatigue? Try the Bach flowers

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