Idrokinesi. Have you ever tried hot water?

HYDROKINESIS: what a beautiful discovery! ...

However much we are born in warm water and comforted in the maternal womb, although we cannot live without the water that quenches our thirst, composes us and regulates us, we almost never remember that water can be an excellent remedy for a thousand situations of discomfort, of stress, of pain ...

Why in these situations do not resort to the warm waters that generated us and made us live for nine months in the welcoming nirvana of our intrauterine life? Why is it that we are almost never offered hydrokinesis in post-traumatic situations, when a fracture, a distortion, an accident limit our normal ability to stand, to support the load, to articulate a shoulder?

Why are we not referred to hydrokinesi before undergoing surgery on the hip or knee or shoulder?

Why is it such a rare event for an orthopedist or neurologist, or a neurosurgeon to prescribe good motor activity in water in order to combat the reduction of muscle tone, respiratory and cardiac capacities?

Why in cases of hemiparesis not allow the patient to perform the only motor activity that can minimize the clumsiness of the step and also actively stimulate his great functions?

Why not consider that for all the elderly the motor activity carried out in the water is the best sweet exercise ever?

Out of ignorance! It is a cultural limit that confines medicines to the solution to a problem and not to physical activity adapted and carried out in a warm, welcoming environment, in which it is impossible to fall, get hit, get hurt.

In water at 28-31 degrees you can't just swim; on the contrary, to confuse swimming with hydrokinesis is a starting error that spoils the entire path of return and maintenance of health.

In the water you can walk, run, jump with the waterline to the waist, the shoulders, the neck ... you can walk and run even without touching the bottom, equipped with a belt that keeps us safe in suspension, like hanging, weightless, freeing our ankles, our knees, our hips, our back ...

And as we move forward in suspended water we can twist the lumbosacral tract of our trunk by unblocking stiffness and blockages due to postural and gravitational loads, pain, hypotonia.

And while, light as a seaweed, we proceed in the wonderful water environment, our musculature works and in a short time it tones up allowing new perspectives to our posture on dry land.

Using very simple aids you can lie on the water and be rocked by totally releasing the weight and the compressions on the neck, back, back ...

And what about free movement, unloaded and massaged, which relates to the shoulders, which, like any other joint, get lubrication of spasms of all kinds, realigning joint biomechanics in the right way ... Hydrokinesi deals with this and more.

I wrote this article with the intention of modifying some tendencies that are misleading due to superficiality or, worse, ignorance!

Too often, in the doctor's prescriptions, the simple and superficial prescription of swimming as a physical exercise recommended to resolve or alleviate limiting situations, is an inhibiting element for all people who for a thousand reasons do not live a good relationship with the element of water.

To prescribe with the simple indication: "Swimming" or worse "Free swimming" or worse still "Swimming on the back" to who has never attended swimming pools or courses of swimming is like addressing to difficult, arduous and annoying situations.

Speaking of motor activity in the water, gymnastics adapted in water, psychophysical well-being through guided water activities, means finally getting closer to the concepts of hydrokinesi.

Dr. Salvatore Scebba

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