Arm tendonitis: how to cure it

Pain in the arm, forearm, shoulder, elbow or wrist, accompanied by the worsening of the painful symptom with movement, can be the sign of an inflammation of the tendons called tendonitis

Especially for those who use their arms a lot, whether they are sportsmen, heavy-duty workers, or even in more static tasks such as those of employees or operators who spend a lot of time in front of the PC, the risk of developing symptoms of tendinitis is high.

Tendonitis in the arm: the causes

The causes of tendinitis can derive from an excessive load on the muscular structure and therefore also tendon of the arm, as well as they can also be due to rigidity and postures associated with flawed movements .

Sometimes tendinitis is derived from a general state of fatigue and stress that leads to generalized muscle and joint tension . The arm, especially the right for those who are right-handed, and the left for those who are left-handed, can suffer from tendonitis.

Pain, although it may be more or less acute, affects a limb that is in constant motion and that we constantly exploit when it is in charge of the arm. It is therefore vital to relieve the painful symptom as quickly and as naturally as possible .

Arm tendonitis: wrist, forearm, elbow and shoulder

The various segments of the arm suffer from tendonitis due to different causes. By discovering the causes, it is also possible to adjust the behavior that led to the symptom and greatly alleviate the pain:

  • the wrist : the wrist mainly performs a rotational movement, combining with other movements such as flexion. In heavy manual work, when you are not able to make the best use of the arm and forearm muscle, you often lever on the wrist, going to overload both the muscle and the tendon: this can lead to the development of tendonitis. Repeated movement over time can therefore cause pain, which from acute can also become a chronic symptom. Other times the mechanical stresses that lead to tendonitis can only be postural: in jobs that involve the prolonged use of the mouse on the PC or the tablet, coupled with the often incorrect and non-ergonomic posture of both the back and the support of the wrist and forearm on the table top, can lead to develop contractures to the muscles that make up the arm, with consequent stiffening and tension. This too, if continued for a long time, can lead to the development of tendinitis.

  • the forearm and the elbow : the elbow joint does not have great flexibility of movement. The elbow connects the arm to the forearm, and can often be used improperly, asking the muscles of both segments to work in tension or in the wrong positions. A repeated and intense mechanical stress, as well as an incorrect and uncomfortable posture, can lead to tendinitis of this part of the arm.

  • the shoulder : the shoulder has broad and articulated movements. Who suffers from shoulder tendonitis is because it urges the arm in an improper way or beyond its possibilities. The tendonitis in the shoulder, unlike the one that affects the wrist and forearm, is often found in athletes, both at high levels and beginners, and in those who perform heavy manual work. A good education in movement, when it is repeated and burdened with weight (such as when you go to the gym or perform heavy manual work) can relieve and prevent pain due to tendonitis.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a tendonitis that affects the wrist and fingers: here are symptoms, causes and treatments

Tendonitis: remedies to alleviate symptoms

The main symptom of tendonitis is therefore pain . The immobility and the swelling are consequences and manifest themselves in the cases of tendonitis in the acute phase. The arm, right as the left, is used continuously and even when the symptoms of tendonitis are not solicited, they lead to limit the life of those who suffer from it.

The first remedy to alleviate pain is the obvious but not always respected one of suspending the activity that caused the onset and putting the limb to rest .

The body, if accompanied in its natural course and if it has not yet been carried beyond its limit, is able to clearly signal what not to do and to spontaneously recover the state of equilibrium: if therefore it is not possible to move the arm and not you can carry loads you need not do it and do not strain an already suffering tendon .

For the swellings the remedies that drain the liquids are useful: lymphatic drainage massages, clay packs, bandages with essential oils make it possible to deflate the interested part .

Kinesiological treatments, mild and decontracting massages allow to relax the interested part but also the whole body, releasing the tensions both of the arms affected by tendinitis, and any muscle segments that the body puts in place, sometimes even in an unsuitable way, to compensate the movement that causes pain. When the massage is accompanied by oils such as the arnica and anti-inflammatory oils, the benefit is amplified.

To prevent the recurrence of the symptoms of tendonitis it is necessary to find out which flawed movement was the cause, and to educate one's body to different and more appropriate postures and gestures .

Arnica is also a natural remedy for tendinitis: find out how to use it

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