Breathe to know each other

" Deep, regular breathing and deep relaxation are typical of meditation techniques developed for thousands of years in many cultures (...) and there have been various empirical studies on the benefits of practicing meditation for health. As these studies indicate that the response of the human body to meditation is opposite to his reaction to stress, contemplative techniques will probably have important clinical applications also in the future "

( Fritjof Capra, The turning point - Univer sale Economica Felitrinelli, 2009 )

Deepening is never wrong, especially because, to our great luck, for at least sixty years, many doctors and researchers, psychologists and psychotherapists of various traditions have been replacing in our western-mechanistic mind the idea of ​​a human body functioning as a machine whose pieces go ahead in watertight compartments and without interacting with each other.

The mind considered itself separate from the body and emotions and away from these strange ideas. Today the tendency is precisely that of a more integral, holistic approach between everything that is part of human nature and consequently health no longer has any reason to exist simply as the absence of disease, rather than a different culture, a different approach to well-being . Prevention, first of all, through nutrition, the spiritual practices of inner research and greater awareness of one's integrated system .

And when you really need an intervention, counseling, therapy or treatment as you want to define or approach it, then you try to take into account everything we are made of: matter, form-thought, spirituality, emotional ... and much more, of which very few have knowledge. Remaining deaf and blind in the face of what even accredited medicine in the West is probing with great interest, although in strict silence until concrete proof, would be a form of rejection of what is now under the eyes of anyone, taking care to observe carefully ...

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Feng Shui and its symbols

Feng Shui and its symbols

What is Feng Shui First of all, if you don't want to look bad, pronounce Fen shwèi . Literally Feng Shui means " wind" and "water" , to identify the two natural elements that shape the earth. To understand what Feng Shui is, one could start from a comparison within Chinese culture: while Chinese medicine deals with the circulation of qi between the various organs of the body, Feng Shui aims to harmoniously flow the energy of qi between the spaces ....

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Organic foods, what they are and how to recognize them

Organic foods, what they are and how to recognize them

Organic foods have at least 95% of the ingredients that compose it according to the "organic method". Let's find out better. What are organic foods A food can be labeled and advertised as a " biologically produced product " when at least 95% of its ingredients have been produced according to the "organic method" based on the adoption of cultivation and breeding techniques with low environmental impact and then subjected to inspections scheduled by the European control system throughout the production chain: from seeds to packaging, to the sale of the bulk produ...