Herbal medicine and premature ejaculation: an effective combination

The natural remedies that can be found in herbal medicine for premature ejaculation, act almost exclusively on the psychic sphere of the person, when organic or physiological causes have been excluded, as it appears to be a sexual disorder of psychological origin. Premature ejaculation is a much more frequent dysfunction than is thought and is defined as the absence of a voluntary control of the ejaculatory reflex, with the result of reaching orgasm very quickly, once a certain degree of excitement is obtained ( even before the penetration or a few seconds after it).

The consequence is not being able to fully satisfy the other and cause disappointment and frustration to both. Performance anxiety is accompanied by shame and a sense of fragility towards the partner, from which a judgment of the value of one's performance is expected. Thus, the more the man tries to control the ejaculatory process, the greater the weight that the mind will attribute to his "performance". What can we find in herbal medicine for premature ejaculation?

Herbal medicine and premature ejaculation: the flower-therapy approach

In herbal medicine, premature ejaculation is mainly treated by following the floriterapeutical approach, because it is able to investigate and intervene on the psycho-emotional causes that are hidden in the system of life and values ​​of the individual: lack of self-esteem, feelings of powerlessness, anxiety and stress, strong attraction, events passed with the other sex experienced traumatically, they are all emotional factors common to men suffering from premature ejaculation and representing the ground of action of Bach flowers .

- Impatiens is the remedy for the impatient. As in nature the plant must be in constant motion because of rapid and impetuous growth, it "loses patience" by expelling the seeds violently at the slightest stimulus, even when they are not mature; so the man who needs this flower ca n't wait . Hurry things up, he wants everything and immediately he can't stand hesitations or delays. These people are afraid of wasting time, in fact they are always in a hurry, but their excess pace is not compatible with that of others. This acceleration causes frenzy and anticipation anxiety. Assuming Impatiens you will find the calm, the understanding that you need to adapt to the harmonious rhythm of your being and that of your partner.

- Elm is the remedy for those who feel crushed by excessive responsibilities . Although apparently giving the impression of being a very strong tree, the elm cannot stand overloads, because it has fragile branches, so much so that it is difficult to find bird nests among its branches. Equally the man who needs Elm feels overloaded with excessive responsibilities that seem to go beyond his strength, so much so that he loses confidence in himself.

These people manifest the feeling of inadequacy in taking on responsibilities, sometimes failing to grow. The first of the benefits that Elm brings is a higher threshold to endure psychophysical stress, a rapid energy improvement, with greater concentration and work capacity. There is a recovery of confidence in oneself and one's abilities that results in a kind of self-help or help-support.

- Vine the bully's remedy . The tendrils grow fast, suffocating everything they encounter on their way, and to eradicate the roots you have to go very deep. It does not have a real trunk, but leans on other supports, expressing a desire for domination linked more to a desire for expansion . Confident of themselves in everything, the people who need this flower do not listen to the needs of others to whom, on the contrary, they want to impose their ideas.

They are proud and aggressive, gifted and ambitious, they are therefore strong and intransigent, they generally tend to exploit these qualities. Vine's remedy helps to combine willpower with love and power with wisdom, not to act for selfish purposes . The flower transforms aggression and arrogance into wisdom and a sense of freedom, compassion, harmonious service and the ability to drive without dominating in order to find one's own path to the next.

- Larch the remedy for " insecure ". The larch is the only conifer that loses its leaves and therefore is not an evergreen . Although it grows with vigor and speed, its hair, however, seems unable to remain upright, the branches curve downwards and seem not to have the strength necessary to grow sturdily.

Who needs Larch is a person with a profound lack of self-confidence, who never dares, and when he does live he predisposes himself to failure. As a child he was always scolded and now he doesn't believe in himself, he thinks he won't succeed in life, so he gives up before trying and feels terribly inferior, often fearing the ugly figure. The flower converts the complex of inferiority and sense of failure into audacity, self-esteem and trust, restoring the initiative in the individual.

Herbal medicine and premature ejaculation: the aromatherapy approach

In the herbalist field it is also possible to use essential oils for their action on the psyche.

Ylang ylang has a relaxing effect on the nervous system, alleviating disorders such as anxiety, depression, irritability, nervousness and insomnia. It creates harmony in the case of contrasts, anger, resentment and frustration, because it favors understanding and forgiveness, dissolves disappointments and offenses, restores the desire to love.

Sandal acts by balancing sexuality with the spirit, promoting the integration of the sacred with the profane: for this reason it is used in tantra yoga schools to transform sexual energies into spiritual energies. It is therefore not a direct aphrodisiac, as its action is predominantly meditative and directed towards interiority: it is indicated to subjects who experience sexuality superficially. Its particular merit consists in the fact that it manages to calm the mental work and facilitating the relaxation it helps to let go.

Erectile dysfunction: 3 remedies to help

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