The reiki and its foundations

In the east, reiki is used to achieve "anshin ritsumei", absolute inner peace : physical well-being is a consequence of the rediscovered balance and rediscovered harmony between the constituent elements of being.

What is Reiki

Reiki is universal energy, where universal has the real meaning of "uni-verse", towards one, or beyond the duality and the illusion of separation.

Reiki, known primarily as a "method" or "discipline", is the energy of creation that has always existed and permeates every animated and inanimate thing in this and other worlds. The Reiki method is nothing but a system that uses this energy to do something.

Usui Ryoho Reiki is Usui's healing method that uses the universal Reiki energy to achieve healing of mind and body ; however, even for Usui this was only the consequence of a much greater and priority task of Reiki, namely the achievement of Anshin Ritsumei (Absolute inner peace or Enlightenment): the initiation into Reiki in fact puts in contact with universal energy, it allows one to be a channel and to know universal energy; at a high level of understanding and awareness, this communion of energy becomes the absolute inner peace.

The union between the Rei (primordial energy) and the Ki (individual energy) is the union between being and the source, beyond the ego, beyond separation everything is one, everything is love, everything is peace and joy . The method rediscovered by Mikao Usui allows us to regain contact with the absolute, with the origin, with the source, allows us to feel beyond seeing, allowing us to be.

The Foundations of Reiki


- Gassho (two hands joined)

Master Usui taught his students to meditate morning and evening keeping their two hands together in gassho and bringing attention only where the middle fingers meet; the middle finger is channel of the fire meridian, the gassho can be seen as the "mudra" which activates the energy system in the reiki method.

- Reji-Ho (indications for the spirit)

It is fundamental in the reiki method to realize that the energy that flows in us and that flows in us is not originated by us at our level; this pillar allows us to be observers of what happens and not an active part, we as practitioners, operators or reiki masters ask to become an instrument and that the energy flows freely in us, we ask for "healing" for our recipient and ask for intuition to act in the course of treatment wherever there is a need to harmonize and purify, to convert congested energy into harmonic energy. the Reji-Ho is the pillar that allows us to strip ourselves of the ego and to be an instrument for the maximum good of the recipient. The flow of reiki brings the same effect to us who receive the energy at the same time and donate it according to the needs of the recipient.

- Chyrio (therapy)

The reiki method involves action, meaning that the treatment or therapy is performed physically, mentally or remotely does not matter; depending on the level you have, you have the right to use certain tools, symbols or shiruji, which allow you to transmit reiki in various ways, the important thing is to do it; therapy is the pillar with which the reiki practitioner brings the action and makes the previous steps necessary such as preparation for this very important event which is treatment or therapy. In the Japanese tradition the treatment follows a sequence called the " 12 position kata ": unlike the Western method that speaks of Chakra, the original method deals with tanden, hara and meridians . This is one of the substantial differences between two methods and it is useful to remember that the two energy systems, that of traditional Chinese / Japanese medicine and that of the Indian tradition, are not the same and are indeed complementary to one another.


Master Usui used to call them spiritual medicine for all evil ; recited in traditional position seitza and in Japanese, one can perceive the energetic vibration that springs from these simple statements, in the Japanese tradition nothing is left to chance and probably the sequence of the precepts also acts as a "mantra" that with the use of kotodama ( spirit of the word) strengthens the connection with our essence, not by chance that the master Usui used the same principles as a meditation tool to be recited in Gassho morning and evening.

- Kyo dake wa (for today only)

- Ikaru na (don't get mad)

- Shinpai suna (don't worry)

- Kansha shite (be grateful)

- Gyo wo hage me (works diligently on yourself)

- Hitsu ni shinsetsu ni (be kind to others)

Of every day just for today and every day is today, in the here and now in the present moment recites the principles, do not do reiki, be reiki not recite the principles be the principles, I teach this to my students in the reiki seminars and this I am felt to share with you.

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