How to purify in spring

Spring is the time when nature teaches us rebirth to openness to the outside. The hours of light increase day by day, the temperature increases, the metabolism accelerates, and the body awakens from winter immobility.

During the winter a richer and more fatty diet is preferred, also following the seasonality of the products: it abounds with proteins, and the Christmas holidays often lead to exaggerate with foods not really healthy.

This often leads to congested and weighed down spring. It is therefore natural, and almost instinctive, to feel, during this season, the desire and the need to purify .

How to purify in spring

There are many ways to purify during the spring, and accompany the energetic movement that is naturally suggested by the season. Spring, in traditional Chinese medicine, is associated with the liver organ, a large body sweeper.

It is precisely by supporting this organ, and the function of the couple of spleen and stomach organs, belonging to the earth movement and corresponding to every change of season, that the greatest advantages can be drawn:

> Power supply : a change of power is also suggested by the seasonality of the products offered by the earth. Spring is the season of artichokes, turnip greens and other crucifers, the first lettuce, endive, leek and dandelion salads.

Therefore increasing the presence of these foods in the diet allows to purify naturally. Processed products, those containing sugar, should be excluded or limited.

Gradually reduce the cooked foods and replace them with seasonal fruits and vegetables, with fresh extracts and with increased water consumption, especially with fresh lemon juice added : a glass of warm water and lemon juice in the morning they give a boost to metabolism and peristalsis;

Also read Artichoke, friend of the liver >>

> Enteroclisma : the common enema can help purify. The washing of the last intestinal tract makes it possible to speed up the emptying of the entire intestine, to gradually remove any fecal accumulation, and to restore an optimal intestinal transit.

A good purification in fact consists in eliminating how much it intoxicates and how much more useful to the body;

> Fasting : the forty days of Lent correspond to a fasting seed and take place in the spring. Regaining familiarity with this practice can give the metabolism a boost of energy and help it get rid of winter accumulations.

It is not necessary to practice a strict and monastic fast, even an intermittent fasting is enough;

> Movement, stay as much as possible in the open air, expose yourself to sunlight;

> Mother tincture and / or herbal tea : artichoke, dandelion and nettle are the most suitable herbs for spring purification, as they stimulate drainage and liver function;

> M editing and yoga: meditation allows you to realign your rhythms with natural ones, it is easy and takes just a few minutes a day, while yoga, especially the torsion positions, stimulate the internal organs and give a boost to their work.

Even simple breathing with alternate nostrils allows the body to be purified.

> Aria : finally, it can give additional support to air the rooms, change the atmosphere, all thanks to essential oils . In spring you can use essential oils of lavender, with many functions and spring scent, or essential citrus but pungent oils, such as lemon and geranium.

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