We celebrate World Sight Day

The World Sight Day is celebrated every year on the second Thursday of October thanks to the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness IAPB Italia onlus, Uici, the World Union of the Blind, and the World Health Organization (WHO), under the High Patronage of the Presidency of the Republic.

World Sight Day 2015

Accompanied by the motto "View, light of my eyes", it is also celebrated this year to remember the importance of prevention even in this situation.

Supplements, antioxidant cures, vitamins, attention to diet and elimination of bad habits can really make a difference.

For the occasion, Thursday 8 October, in the squares of 74 Italian cities, as many information stands will be set up, where it will be possible to collect brochures and, in about twenty of these points, there will also be free check-ups and eye checks on board of units ophthalmic furniture.

A day to learn about four sight problems

In various cities, Rome first, and countries are also organized meetings, conferences, guides for the visually impaired and other events.

The main topic of the current edition concerns the main eye diseases that affect adults ; in particular, a simulator set up in the various stands will make it clear what it is when it comes to: glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, cataract and age-related macular degeneration .

  • There is talk of glaucoma when there is a slow and progressive damage to the optic nerve, with a loss of vision that occurs starting from its periphery; the increased internal pressure of the eye is the main cause, it can appear at any age. Diabetes, high myopia, familiarity, age over 40 years, high eye pressure can be chained causes.
  • Diabetic retinopathy is linked to diabetes, a metabolic disease due to an increase in blood glucose. Diabetic retinopathy is a complication that binds to alterations of the retinal circulation vessels. In addition to diabetes, other factors are smoking, stress, pregnancy, genetic factors or diets rich in fat and sugar.
  • The most frequent cataract can cause fogging and vision opacification; is determined by the natural aging of the eye, even if other factors, such as exposure to ultraviolet rays, metabolic diseases, diabetes, smoking and obesity or inflammation can accelerate its appearance.
  • Macular degeneration is one of the most serious pathologies of the eye; it affects the retina, in particular the macula, or the part that allows distinct vision, generating a reduction in visual function at the level of the central visual field. Generally it occurs after the age of 55 and some risk factors may be smoking, family history, hyper-attention and excess cholesterol or fat in the blood.

World Sight Day aims to raise awareness about prevention, but also about knowledge of treatment methods and rehabilitation centers . In the official website you will find the list of initiatives that will take place in every Italian region.

Here is how to give well-being to the eyes and prevent any disorders

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