PTN and PTA: in search of the Grail

Tarot yes Tarot no

Yes, we are talking about Tarot, but not about the cards to which, as is often thought, security is given through the knowledge of an elusive future, or answers are asked to get around the responsibility of the choices. No, the Tarot we are referring to are the key to the door, the apes sesame that allows entry into the cave. The cave, to understand us, is us, with our fears and impulsiveness, with uncertainties, doubts and dreams. The cave is the place where internal hopes and resources emerge to the conscience and forge our mind, sometimes full of misleading thoughts and at the same time lacking the courage of imagination or creative manifestation. The cave is the space of silence and waiting where the evolutionary passages of the personality are perfected and where our soul resounds gently sending us messages of spur and awakening. At this level, the Arcana of the Tarot play a decisive role in terms of decoding the signals that sometimes remain misunderstood and of the challenges that life leads us to sustain and of which we do not understand the utility. The deep archetypal value of the Tarot blades, with their ancestral and profound significance, speaks directly to the unconscious level and represents a pivotal tool for getting to know each other better and making useful transformations to the way we look at ourselves and our lives.

Sweet sleep and sudden awakenings

It is true that we do not always want to ask ourselves about ourselves and face convoluted and complex internal developments to discover mysterious hidden mysteries. Sometimes the desire to know nothing and sail unconscious through the intricacies of life's difficulties and joys seems to be irresistible ... well, even these phases are a journey of consciousness, as long as, as the word itself says, it is pursued with awareness and therefore adhering to a precise choice made with sentient will. When instead, as a habitual modality or in some specific areas, or particular moments of life, we indulge in the sweet sleep of the conscience, without asking questions and without trying in any way to evolve and transform anything of our attachments or mental structures or relations or modalities of approach to reality, this ends up overwhelming us, generally with some event that we perceive as annoying or painful. It's like a powerful trumpet blast or an alarm clock that disturbs the lethargy and forces us to change. Without therefore waiting to be overwhelmed, you can try to ride the wave simply by giving a meaning to things where possible and asking yourself a key question: "Where am I right now?". The answer is always within us, sometimes assisted by external supports such as meditation, practices of body awareness, therapeutic processing processes, or alternative tools such as, for example, the Archetypal Evolutionary Tarot.

What are PTN and PTA

PTN and PTA are the acronym of Tarological Birth Plan and Annual Tarological Plan. The PTN, Tarological Birth Plan, is the scheme developed to offer a general picture of our incarnation; genetic inheritances, challenges, recurrent reasons, resources and above all where research is directed, where the goal of this life resides. Through the stimulus given by the archetypal images and their reading, we can better understand the reason for repetitive conditions and obstacles to our progress, as well as it is useful to orient ourselves on the global process, responding in synthesis to the question "what have I come to learn? Why am I here? " Functional to the PTN is the PTA, that is the Annual Tarological Plan, which is calculated more or less near the date of one's birthday. With the reading of the PTA we will be able to find out what we have in detail in terms of energy, the current year and every single month and how to find the right resources to deal constructively with our journey of growth and expansion. A PTN or PTA session lasts about an hour and a half and requires serenity and calm. It is an opportunity to take a moment for yourself, to take stock, find the center, re-orient yourself. We are engrossed in the journey, through the search for the Grail, which in this life represents the integrated evolutionary lesson.

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