Broccoli, 3 simple and fast veg recipes

Winter is approaching and in his company all those fruits of the earth that feed us, keep us healthy and are known to keep away ills and various ailments.

We are talking about cabbages, sprouts, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower, garden medicines, listed among the best anticancer drugs.

In the magical world of winter vegetables it will be nice to dive in, leaving room for imagination: here is a potpourri of simple, delicious, fast and vegetarian recipes, all based on broccoli, which will allow you to enrich your dishes.

Broccoli and millet burgers

A simple and excellent recipe for a second vegan dish .

Here are the simple ingredients for 4 people:

> a cup of millet,

> 200 grams of steamed broccoli,

> a splash of white wine or beer,

> breadcrumbs and wheat germ flakes as required,

> sweet paprika,

> salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil.

Preparation : in a saucepan boil the millet with water for about 20 minutes, adding a little salt. Drain and leave to cool. Add oil and paprika and broccoli previously steamed, wine or beer, breadcrumbs and wheat germ, salt and pepper.

Spread everything on baking paper, forming burgers. Bake for about 20 minutes at 180 °, turning the burgers once on the other side. Serve with a fresh salad, excellent for example spinacino and valerianella or songino, and a little veg mayonnaise on the side.

Crispy-tofu with broccoli and ginger

Another vegan recipe, tasty, nutritious and healthy, along with broccoli, an original sauce and crunchy tofu. Ready in less than half an hour, excellent single course.

Ingredients for four people:

> a piece of natural tofu,

> half a cup of corn starch,

> bicarbonate,

> half cup of 00 flour,

> a pair of broccoli,

> soy sauce,

> sugar a teaspoon,

> a teaspoon of sesame seeds,

> a couple of crushed garlic fats,

> a tablespoon of fresh grated ginger,

> 6 shallots,

> the rind of half a lemon and a teaspoon of juice,

> white wine,

> salt and pepper.

Preparation: dry the tofu well with absorbent kitchen paper, cut it into square pieces of about 2 - 3 centimeters on each side. Pass the tofu in a batter made with half a cup of cornstarch, half of flour, half a teaspoon of baking soda and warm water and salt to taste.

Meanwhile, heat a couple of tablespoons of oil in the pan and add the tofu one at a time, first dipped in the batter, turning the pieces until it is nice, crisp and golden.

Meanwhile prepare a sauce with white wine, soy sauce, sugar, salt and pepper, lemon juice and peel and a couple of teaspoons of cornstarch. Whisk with a whisk and set aside.

Take the pan and sauté the broccoli, previously boiled al dente, in a little oil, add the crushed garlic, ginger, shallot, brown them over high heat and then remove the garlic cloves. Then add the tofu, the sesame seeds and the previously prepared sauce, making it thicken a couple of minutes. Serve hot as a main dish, perhaps accompanied by Indian naan.

Broccoli balls, cheese and potatoes

Here is instead a preparation of vegetarian meatballs, with cheese and egg. THE

Ingredients for four people:

> 500 grams of broccoli,

> 250 grams of potatoes,

> 40 grams of pecorino or grated Parmesan,

> 3 tablespoons of breadcrumbs,

> small mozzarella cheese,

> scamorza or other stringy cheese,

> an egg,

> a clove of garlic,

> extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper.

Preparation : boil or steam broccoli and potatoes, leave to cool and purée them with a fork or potato masher; add the egg, cheese, salt and pepper and a little finely chopped garlic.

Knead until a rather thick consistency is obtained; form small balls, closing a string of cheese on the center; cook for about 20 minutes in a warm oven at 180 °, sprinkling with a little olive oil and turning them a couple of times. Serve hot, on a bed of salad, rocket or songino .

Broccoli, here's how to grow them

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