Lettuce, in general, is eaten raw, in salads, and is a great way to bring it to the table. When we eat raw lettuce, in fact, we rehydrate our body and take vitamins and minerals.
We also benefit from the other qualities of this food, for example of its satiating properties against a very limited caloric intake .
Lettuce, however, can also be consumed in other ways, for example a decoction can be obtained, giving the body as many benefits.
How to prepare the lettuce decoction
Ingredients for 1 portion
> 250 ml of water;
> 1/2 head of a small lettuce.
Wash the lettuce, cut it into very small pieces, and boil it in water for five minutes. Strain and let the decoction cool before drinking it.
The boiled lettuce should not be thrown away, it can be blended and used as an accompanying sauce, enriching it to taste, for example with capers, pine nuts and extra virgin olive oil.
The properties of the lettuce decoction
When we cook vegetables, a good part of the micronutrients contained in it is dispersed in the cooking water .
This is therefore very rich in minerals and vitamins and, consequently, it becomes a rich and nutritious drink.
The decoction of lettuce is therefore a real natural supplement, especially in virtue of its own content of mineral salts.
But its qualities do not end there, because the lettuce decoction also has the following benefits:
> Promotes bowel regularity thanks to a slight laxative activity .
> It has carminative properties and, therefore, helps prevent and counteract abdominal bloating and meteorism.
> It stimulates diuresis and, consequently, helps to counteract water retention.
> It has mild sedative and calming qualities, thanks to lactucine. A cup of decoction of lettuce in the evening, before going to sleep, promotes night rest.
> Helps protect the gastrointestinal tract from gastritis and colitis.
> It has a detoxifying and purifying action .
> Reintegrates liquids .
> Promotes skin health and beauty .
> Helps keep blood glucose and cholesterol levels under control .
> It increases the sense of satiety and is therefore a valid help when you want to stay in shape or regain your physical shape.
> It is rich in antioxidant substances .
The decoction of lettuce on the skin
The decoction of lettuce has a beneficial effect also for external use .
It can be applied to the face, after having poured it on a cotton pad or gauze.
Helps remove impurities from the skin and is a true natural tonic .
It can be applied morning and evening after thoroughly washing the face. Thanks to the soothing action, it is also useful in case of irritation and redness.