Why choose to become a reiki channel

In this age of profound transformation the human being finds himself mired in a magma made up of confusion, fear, doubt, lack of certainties and values that blocks his personal evolution.

The life that we have more or less quietly carried out until recently is now profoundly changed because it is the "civilization" in which we live that requires it without asking permission, involving us almost without our knowledge with events, news, varied news that, made to pass by important events, they mix with our life, modifying it almost never for the better.

In all this immense chaos we lose sight of our true essence, we move further and further away from our center / self, nature is ever more distant and hostile while, in the name of the ever-increasing need for productivity, investments, earnings and wealth we clothe the our planet of absurd constructions, we bury the final result of our human activity irreversibly poisoning it, we also poison the atmosphere that surrounds us and that allows us life, we unearth incredible quantities of fossil elements forcing our earth to react to our violence by sending us cataclysms devastating of all kinds.

We ourselves, lost in this daily delirium, no longer recognize ourselves and lose the true human dimension, becoming cynical, selfish, violent, unbelievably inhuman and above all we live deeply unhappy overwhelmed by stress and various disorders.

So, slowly, in such a sneaky way that we practically didn't even notice, we arrived, despite ourselves, at the famous quagmire of magma from where it is fundamental to go out and then start again the evolutionary path that is waiting for us.

To take the right path and reverse this inhuman global trend, the first fundamental action for each of us is to return to self-awareness, of who we really are, why we are here now, right now in this historical period so dramatic and tumultuous, of the environment that hosts us and surrounds us, then we act to try to heal all this ... starting from ourselves to reach our fellow human beings and everything around us.

Surely almost all of us are aware of this and we would sincerely like to do our best to improve our lives, that of our children and our planet, but we consider it a titanic work that we will never even be able to start, let alone carry on with commitment, perseverance but above all effectiveness!

And yet we must understand that this is our duty, the duty of all to whom no one can and must avoid within the framework of their own possibilities ... for the good of all and that we have at our disposal an exceptional but so simple and affordable instrument of all that it can almost be impossible to believe for those who do not know it closely: this fantastic tool, which comes to us very far back in time but is very real and tangible, is precisely reiki!

Becoming a reiki channel, or deciding to take the activations of the first, then possibly second and third level and master is a great gift, an act of love and responsibility towards yourself but also towards everything that surrounds us that is people, animals, plants, planet, in that it means opening up to the flow of the universal vital energy that constitutes our body, our subconscious mind, our mind, our spirit and all that surrounds us and we learn to manage it to begin to heal ourselves and to heal precisely every person, animal, plant, present, past, future situation and the planet through it that is capable of acting at the primary source, at the origin of the energy imbalances that constitute the principle of all types of problems, of whatever kind.

Reiki brings human beings closer together, makes people more open to others by breaking down interpersonal barriers and conflicts, it helps us to have a fuller and more harmonious life and if we are activated to it we can help others to reach fullness, harmony and to live happier as it has been granted to us since we met him after the activations.

If you seek healing and are open and willing to let this healing energy flow through you in favor of everything around you, you can decide to become a reiki channel. the ability to channel the energy that the reiki master will pass through the activations will be with you and will accompany you for the rest of your life, significantly stimulating your personal growth.

Reiki opening us to energy opens us to love, to fullness, to harmony with all things and all this also automatically favors psycho-physical well-being.

Always remember that we are not human beings who also have a spiritual aspect but we are spiritual beings who are experiencing the human experience .

Granting ourselves to live this human experience in the fullest way possible by promoting our own and others 'awareness, our own and others' well-being and helping the spread of harmony, I believe may be one of the best ways to honor our existence here on earth.

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