Combat asthma with aromatherapy

Asthma is a respiratory difficulty caused by the contraction of the bronchial walls with a consequent reduction in the lumen of the alveoli and the "imprisonment" of the expiration.

This compulsion naturally generates a state of panic because everything seems to stop and the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is interrupted.

Anxiety induces a further stiffening that extends to the whole nervous system and this loop must necessarily be interrupted by the intake of bronchodilators that reopen a window on the world!

Even essential oils can come into play, to favor the correct exchange of oxygenation and balance the use of cortisone drugs.

Let's see some of them.


Thyme essential oil is a powerful remedy for the respiratory system and its conditions. Acts as an antibiotic against infections of the bronchial tract and oral cavity.

It is an anti-inflammatory with a balsamic action: it disinfects from catarrhals, liquefies them and facilitates expectoration. In case of allergic asthma it allows a greater dilation of the bronchial alveoli, acts as a shield against allergens, disinfects and decontracts the involved part.

  • Suffumigi : dissolve 10 drops of thyme essential oil in a basin of boiling water. Inhale deeply the steam rich in balsamic properties, keeping your eyes closed because this very powerful essential oil could cause irritation. It is advisable to inhale slowly and exhale long to allow a good purification and a rebalancing of the oxygenated part with respect to the portion loaded with carbon dioxide.
  • First aid remedy : soak the handkerchief with a few drops of Thyme in oe, about 10 drops, to take with you and bring it closer to the nose and mouth in moments of difficulty where there is a beginning of lack of exhalation.

Timo, for what and how to use it

    Clary Sage

    Sage saves and its name gives it an important role among medicinal plants. The Salernitan School of Medicine held it in high regard and cited it as Salvia salvatrix, sanatrice.

    Its essential oil has a balancing action on the whole organism. It regenerates and relaxes, it is a humoral tonic, it soothes anxieties and stimulates the mind.

    The important aspect that concerns the case we are dealing with is its antispastic action, for the benefit of muscle tissues; it is in fact indicated in case of respiratory affections, with a sense of constriction and congestion: it helps to fluidify, to open the breath.

    How to use the essential oil of Clary Sage

    • Suffumigi : Dissolve 12 drops of sage essential oil in a bowl of very hot water. Cover the garment with a towel and deeply inhale the rich steam of the volatile part of the sage. It is good to repeat this practice every night during the pollen period, to encourage breathing and restful sleep.
    • Aromatic baths : dissolve 5 or 6 drops of essential oil in the bath water, the whole organism will benefit, from the central nervous system to the respiratory system, from the muscle tissue to the epidermal tissue.


      Savory is another aromatic plant with various properties; it is a powerful antibiotic, antiseptic, immunostimulant, tonic, choleretic, but above all expectorant, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic .

      It is indicated for problems of the pharyngeal hollow, for forms of mycoses and candidiasis, for hypotensive conditions due to heat, fatigue and stress conditions. Its antispastic action connotes it as an excellent remedy in case of cramps.

      This action conveyed by the essential oil of the Savory helps in case of asthma and bronchitis, favoring a decompression of the bronchial alveoli.

      How to use the essential oil of Savory

      • Suffumigi : dissolve 10 drops of Santoreggia essential oil in a basin of boiling water and breathe the balsamic vapors. It is advisable to also use an essence burner to put in the bedroom at night: 3 or 4 drops of essential oil will favor a smooth breathing and a peaceful sleep.

      These remedies cannot replace the use of pharmacological bronchodilators in case of overt asthma, but they can allow a more prudent use, to the benefit of our health and our general well-being.

      Yoga can also help fight asthma

      To know more:

      > All symptoms and remedies for asthma

      > Asthma, homeopathic natural remedies

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