My eyes: how to read the iridological map

How to read the iridology map

Anyone over the age of 40 will remember that the classic family doctor, during his visit, never neglected a check on the patient's eyes. It was obviously not iridology, but rather a correct instinct of the doctor not to leave out a fundamental part of the body. Iridology, a tool of investigation of naturopathy, is instead able to provide information about the whole organism, based solely on the graphic and chromatic signs that it finds in the iris of the subjects characterized by altered psychophysical balance and which are indicated in the map of iridology . In this way, iridology allows to outline a complete picture of the subject and of the pathologies that interest him, correlating specific parts of the eye with well-defined organs and apparatuses.

The figure of the iridologist can also be defined as that of interpreter of the language of the irises . This language is schematized in the so-called iridological map, a topographical reference of the organs of and of the apparatuses of our body, as a reflected point of the iris. Iris colors, marks and spots are examined. For the colors we will have blue, gray-green, brown, brown and dark brown and the relative nuances. The signs include deformations of the iridial structure, such as lacunae, crypts, hexagons and other irregularities. The iridologist's experience will allow, after the analysis of the subject's iris, to relate to the iridological reference map and to correlate the eye with different organs. Let's see which ones.

Map of iridology: organs and disorders

All the organs of the body are reflected in the iris. From reading it is possible to understand which organs or systems are altered, how long an organ has been affected, what are the causes of the alteration and if there is a hereditary predisposition to alteration. The areas related to the organs are configured in the map of iridology both in a circular and in a radial sense : concentric circles are divided into segments, inside which the names of the connected organs are placed. The iris disk behaves like a receiver, storing information from all over the body.

Knowing the locations is essential for a proper examination. The first type of localization is that of concentric circles: the reading must start from the center towards the periphery, because it allows us to examine the state of the most important functions. The second type is that for sectors. Each ciliary area of ​​the right and left iris can be divided into 16 sectors, each of which represents a precise organic group. Each iris allows you to explore the half of the corresponding body : the right informs about the state of the organs placed in the right half of the body, while the left reflects the conditions of the left half. The middle organs such as the bladder, the thyroid, the esophagus belong to both irises. But not everything is so simple because some organic sectors on an iris correspond to parts of the opposite body, as in the case of the lower and upper limbs, the kidneys and the genital organs. Bernand Jensen, a well-known iridologist, identified 166 areas in the map of iridology that took his name, of which 80 in the right iris and 86 in the left. Imagining the iris similar to the dial of a clock, the iridological map places the area corresponding to the brain at the top, between 11 and 1, the lung area on the right, around 3 and the legs at 6. There is a further subdivision into seven zones, as an aid for locating the iridological signs.

Evolution of iridology maps

The main schools of iridology are German, French, American and Italian. The differences between these addresses are of method and principle: the German school is located near the positions of official medicine, with an organicistic address; the French one has a homeopathic and energetic address; the American school has a nutritional and naturopathic address. The Italian one has a more holistic and original approach: it recognizes the psychosomatic and emotional value of the patient, so next to the evaluation of the organic systems, he places the evaluation of the psychic and energy systems, also represented in the eye. You will therefore have a more concise view of the patient rather than of the disease, integrating different methods of treatment.

Each school carried its own maps of iridology.

A long way has come since the first analysis of the iris carried out with the lens of liking and the maps drawn by hand . Today, reading the iris obviously benefits from the benefits of technology . A camera with a macro lens and slide film is used. The definition of the film is very important. Later, electronic surveys can be used, using an electronic microscope, scans and software. For an iridological examination, it is a good idea to have a lens with at least 6/7 magnifications. In case of statistics, special group studies, comparisons, etc., it is useful to use a video recorder.

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