Magnesium: essential mineral

In the human body, magnesium is present within 99% of the cells, where it plays a fundamental role, namely that of regulating the permeability of the cell membrane to all minerals, especially Sodium, Potassium and Calcium.

This regulation is very important for nerve conduction and muscle contraction, so it is clear that a magnesium deficiency has significant consequences on these mechanisms and can cause disorders with symptoms of various kinds, sometimes very different.

Where to find it and how to take it?

This is why magnesium is recommended in cramps and even spasms, in nervous and irritable subjects and also in children where magnesium deficiency is greatly affected today, this due to too refined and therefore poor nutrition of this mineral.

As already mentioned, in fact, the magnesium we take with food, we assimilate only a third of it in the intestine, while the remainder is eliminated with urine, feces and sweat.

This last pathway may be relevant in case of intense or prolonged sporting activity, if saunas are abused, in case of abundant sweating, as for example in profuse sweating due to menopausal hot flashes, a period in which it is easy to incur a shortage of magnesium and also in young women during the premenstrual period or in premenstrual syndrome.

We can find this precious mineral in some cereals such as millet and buckwheat and other foods such as magnesium-rich almonds !

Here are the recipes for 3 magnesium-rich salads

What does a deficiency entail?

An excess of stress, both physical and psychic, causes a greater consumption of magnesium, with consequent possible deficiency, which in turn causes a reduced tolerance to stress, triggering a vicious circle that hinders the recovery of balance and makes the individual hypersensitive even under stress conditions normally tolerated.

Not all the magnesium we find on the market is the same, in fact there are different types depending on which use is decidedly different.

To use a good magnesium that is used by the cell and there goes to work will not need a magnesium oxide for example used instead to promote the elimination of waste in the intestine.

For this it is good that a professional advises the right type of Magnesium depending on the use that your body will have to do.

Magnesium, effects of deficiency and excess

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