Corns, remedies and natural tips

When we talk about corns we generally think of our feet and the feeling of pain we experience when these thickenings are formed in important support areas. But what is it exactly?

Our feet in tight shoes, or with high heels, are often forced into unnatural postures with an unbalanced weight distribution; or, some areas, even of the hands, are subject to repeated rubbing or pressure : in these cases thickening can occur where we usually come into contact with everyday "tools": cleaning brush, pencils, shoes, stringed musical instruments, just to mention classic cases.

This skin reaction is a form of protection to avoid damaging the deeper layers.

Unfortunately, however, some forms of callus, if not properly treated, deepen in the skin and can cause a lot of pain, especially above and between the toes.

Let's see some remedy to intervene in advance also.

Footbaths to soften the calluses

Those who suffer from calluses and calluses on their feet surely also have posture difficulties, the circle is vicious! In fact, when we do not support our body in a balanced way on our roots, our feet precisely, some areas compensate for the wrong posture and the formation of calluses is often the direct consequence .

If the calluses cause pain then the posture changes further to mitigate the disturbance to the feet.

It is also important to consider the peripheral circulation, often cold feet, with lymphatic stasis, they are more subject to hyperkeratosis, if forced into unsuitable shoes and subjected to continuous rubbing.

The first habit to introduce is the evening foot bath . It is often made using a basin of hot water and a detergent tout court. In reality, in these cases, a medicated foot bath is needed to help soften the skin, disinfect it and promote microcirculation .

How to do the evening foot bath

Let's get 2 bowls, one of very hot water and one of cold water. Dip the feet in the warm one, add half a glass of vinegar and a tablespoon of coarse salt .

This simple homemade mixture serves to soften the thickening and disinfect the foot. We leave the feet in immersion for about 7/10 minutes and then dip them in the basin of cold water.

This passage allows peripheral vasoconstriction, through which heat absorbed with the hot foot bath is retained inside . Let us equip ourselves with pumice stone and work the calluses patiently. In the meantime, the skin has softened and can be treated more easily.

Ivy to counter the calluses

We all know the ivy, a creeper often used to embellish the outer walls of houses. It manages to stick to walls and grow without the need for supports.

Hedera helix is ​​rich in mineral salts and calcium oxalates, caffeic acid and saponins. In phytotherapy it is used to counteract cellulite and move venous stasis.

It has astringent, antimicrobial, vasoconstrictive and healing properties and promotes skin elasticity.

To exfoliate the calluses in depth we must prepare a macerated of ivy leaves in vinegar .

They must remain in maceration for about 12 hours, then they must be applied to the calluses and stopped with a bandage.

It is a remedy that we can apply in the evening and leave all night . The ivy thus softens the callus which can then be removed easily.

Aloe vera gel and lavender essential oil for calluses

If we use ivy at night, by day we move on to aloe vera gel. After cleansing, apply a small amount of gel in which we have dissolved 3 drops of lavender essential oil on all feet with particular insistence on the callused areas. We massage until the remedy is completely absorbed.

Aloe vera is rich in vitamin E, useful for nourishing the skin, helping correct epithelial formation. Softens the thickened part, soothes from redness, decongests.

The essential oil of lavender enhances its effect with an antibacterial, antifungal, analgesic and healing action.

3 do-it-yourself natural creams for the feet

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