Bach flowers for the disinterest of the present

In flower therapy, Bach flowers are used for the disinterest of the present, when altered moods occur due to external events or to character imbalances that induce indifference, apathy and escape from reality.

The flower remedies discovered by Edward Bach operate on 7 application areas, ie the most frequent emotional disorders that characterize contemporary Western life: depression, hypersensitivity, fear, uncertainty, excessive concern for others and loneliness disinterest in the present.

What is meant by "disinterest in the present"

Throughout history, what flower therapy means with "disinterest in the present" has been defined in many ways and from time to time has taken on different meanings.

With the term " indifference " in fact in ancient philosophy it was indicated the "tranquility of mind", that is the absence of desire or the refusal of action or choice in the face of external events, with the aim of avoiding pain. The so-called "detachment" from human passions and external events in general was therefore considered a state of contemplative perfection of the spirit to achieve happiness.

This lack of interest or perturbation for the pleasures, emotions and external events that can shake human existence causing suffering was the result of the essay's awareness of his human condition.

However the "disinterest for the present" hardly appears as the result of a philosophical choice or the goal of the inner search of the wise. The state of indifference and the lack of affective reactions, the insensitivity, the indolence towards external reality and practical action, are, unfortunately, also manifestations of an alteration of the state of mind, an emotional disorder, which does not it leads to happiness, but to suffering, pain and both mental and physical illness.

Bach Flowers for present disinterest

When we are far from serious mental pathology, but healthy people find themselves having to go through difficult times in which events or character predisposition leads to shunning reality and showing indifference, apathy, resignation Bach flowers can help

  • Clematis: the lack of interest in the present caused by disappointment and rejection of the world and even wishing to die. These people daydream, chasing fantasies about the future or imagining alternative versions of their lives, so as not to face and act on situations that afflict them present. The remedy favors the realization of the fantasies, the realization of one's desires through the awareness of one's own potential, pushing for action.
  • Honeysuckle disinterest in the present caused by regrets, nostalgic fantasies of the past and remorse for events that occurred . These people believe that they have already lived their best days or become stuck in situations that have already happened where they should have done things they did not do, and do not face the present. The remedy helps them to understand that one can learn from the past and recall it in our memories without having to relive it. In this way we can progress in the present and find joy. Honeysuckle helps us grow, it allows us to establish new relationships on a basis different from those of the past.
  • Wild Rose disinterest in the present due to a state of apathy and resignation . The flower is indicated for the feeling that life is not worth the effort it requires. For the inability to feel joy. For the shutdown that follows the excess of sacrifices. The remedy helps to awaken our interest in life. Motivation will take the place of apathy giving us the joy of living.
  • Olive : disinterest in the present due to psycho-physical exhaustion . This exhaustion is the consequence of a total dedication to something: an affection, an ideal, a job. The flower is suitable for those who just want to sleep, not showing any interest in everything else, even loved ones. For fatigue and energy depletion that follow great efforts. For the asthenia that follows a deficient diet. Olive restores the lost energy. The optimism and the trust are back, the taste for life is reborn, the tiredness disappears. New projects are made with renewed enthusiasm.
  • White Chestnut disinterest in the present due to mental rumination . When unwanted circular, obsessive thoughts, mental confusion and worries take away sleep, preventing concentration and enjoying the pleasures of life the remedy helps to direct these thoughts without being overwhelmed. Calmly and serenely facing our problems that plague us.
  • Mustard disinterest in the present caused by profound sadness with no apparent causes . For the attacks of melancholy that vain and come, and against it is not possible to do anything. Mustard awakens the light that is in us, bringing serenity, sadness becomes joy of life; the ability to balance the ups and downs of life returns with balance. Serenity even in the dark: you can see the black cloud, but it cannot be oppressed.
  • Chestnut Bud disinterest for the present due to superficiality . This is the remedy for those who are incapable of learning from their own mistakes and those of others, and always commit the same mistakes, who always throw themselves into business and bankruptcy relationships, underestimating the obstacles, without learning the lessons of life. The flower opens our eyes, showing us that luck or destiny have nothing to do with our difficulties in work, health or love. Develop awareness of our actions and help us remember. It makes us more attentive to others so we can learn from them. The awareness of the real, the interest, the balance are reborn.

Discover Bach flowers against spring apathy

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